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Scan Compliment Shocker!!!

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 13:44

Hi, Just thought i`d post a rare `Thank You` to Scan Computers and in particular Nelley. My X Wave DVD was sent back and was un-repairable, I asked Nelley for a full refund and it went through yesterday. Took 10 days from reciept of my player to do a full refund to my card.

Thank you again, now I`m off th buy a Wharfy 750s.


RE: Scan Compliment Shocker!!!

nelley (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 14:28

Thanks,at least we listened to everyone and got our act together.If you
see the forum the complaints have really gone down.Were actually selling
more players than we ever have done and we have lots of stock.

RE: Scan Compliment Shocker!!!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 14:37

Nelley when you said you have got your act together, does that mean you opened up a can of Whoop Ass in the CS department?

Nice too see scan are building bridges


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