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Is the WEA still active?

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd April 2009, 12:30

It`s gorgeous weather, so I want to keep my windows open...unfortuantely, in the last half an hour, I have had three wasps in my flat! Dunno why, but it turns out `ve gone from hating them to being scared of them!

Killed two, but the third has gone into hiding somewhere in my bathroom and I don`t wanna go to the loo while it might be in there! Window is wide open, and the door is shut, so hopefully it will go on its own, but if there are any members still lurking, come help me!

Gonna go buy some magic net which you velcro to the window this afternoon...then the little sods won`t be able to get in!

RE: Is the WEA still active?

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd April 2009, 12:34

Kill, Kill,Kill,Kill,Kill,Kill,Kill !!!

"Clarkson you infantile pillock" - J May, Top Gear, 9/11/2008

A Tribute - to remind us all of the good doc whilst his posting capacity is reduced. . . . . . . . . .

RE: Is the WEA still active?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd April 2009, 17:31

I have been a sleeper over the winter months. But my call to arms came on Sunday afternoon at work. Big bugger too. He was no match though. My first confirmed kill of the year. Jolly top show on your two kills. But it was a mistake to let one go. Try not to let this happen again.


RE: Is the WEA still active?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd April 2009, 17:31

I`d like to add bees to the cause. There I was, merrily driving my truck along Kennington Road to a delivery at the Julie Rose stadium with my window open, when what should happen, but a malicious and unprovoked headbutt from a thuggish bee, right between my eyes. Luckily I`m very attentive when driving and was able to maintain control of my vehicle, but i dread to think what would have happened if the attack had happened to an elderly gentleman, or worse, a school-running mother in a 4x4.

(The bee escaped shortly after the attack, albeit a little dazed)

Curse this infernal alcohol...

Writer`s Release
My Collection

RE: Is the WEA still active?

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd April 2009, 17:46

We have to excuse bees because without them we wouldn`t have lots of the foods we have now. Negotiating with terrorists sucks, but sometimes you just have to. :( ~*~

RE: Is the WEA still active?

Juls (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd April 2009, 18:23

We have to excuse bees because without them we wouldn`t have lots of the foods we have now. Negotiating with terrorists sucks, but sometimes you just have to


I dont like honey so Im up for the bee`s being added


RE: Is the WEA still active?

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd April 2009, 20:59

If you lot start going after bees, I`m starting a splinter group.
Even though one stung me on Saturday and it still itches now, it was one of mine so I forgave him. As said before, without them we`d have a lot less choice of what to eat - they are responsible for 70% of apple pollination, for example.

RE: Is the WEA still active?

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd April 2009, 21:59

Mustn`t go after bees...bees are good and only sting you if your mean to them, and keep flowers alive and make tasty food and apples and stuff!

The little sod must`ve pegged it out of the window...can`t find it anywhere...just had a bath whilst waiting for him to sneak up on me!

RE: Is the WEA still active?

miikeyblue82 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd April 2009, 06:00

Now hang on a minute.... wasps, bees, I can understand, but you seem to be forgetting something. Ants! Little buggers, they won`t bite you, sting you, no, that`s not how they attack. They come in numbers, hunt down your food and make it all inedible. If you spot an ant in your house, you can guarantee there`s hundreds more, just queueing up to follow him...

Beware the ant guys.

I mean it.

RE: Is the WEA still active?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 23rd April 2009, 07:17

I agree about leaving the bees alone, as anything which does a little dance just to show directions has to be inherently nice and jolly.

Ants, despite being one of the most perfectly egalitarian societies, do absolutely everything for their queen at the end of the day (and at all other parts of the day too I imagine), and so deserve to die for their unswerving loyalty to an unelected fat cow who spends most of her time sitting in a nest sprouting more ants.

Pouring boiling water down cracks in pavements and select use of magnifying glasses was always fun when I was younger (didn`t seem to work at night though - never understood why).

Oh yes..and killed two of the little yellow stripy buggers myself over the weekend. Both in the bathroom, and both ended up down the bog, despite one surviving the first hammering and flush - 6 hours later, I lifted the seat to see it clinging there looking a bit annoyed. Quick spray of Gillette `Sensitive` (cos I am - and that`s all that came to hand) blasted it back towards a mostly watery (as I`d had a pee before I saw it) grave.

My Collection

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd April 2009, 08:21

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