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Page 1 of Am I the only person to find Avatar....

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Am I the only person to find Avatar....

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2011, 19:28

[Google have marked as a hoster of malware, therefore this link has been removed]deadly dull?!

It is hard to credit it is the same director who made Aliens and T2.

And I like sc-fi!

RE: Am I the only person to find Avatar....

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2011, 19:42

Didn`t find it dull as such but nowhere near the hype and the comments from my friends "in the know".
Couple of them were going on and on that I needed to go and get it as soon as it was released on BluRay and not DVD, I didn`t, was given it on loan, still wasn`t blown away.

Jimbo : oÞ

"There`s that word again... is there a problem with the Earth`s gravitational pull in the future?"

RE: Am I the only person to find Avatar....

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2011, 19:45

I was almost ostracised when I didn`t agree that it was the "best film ever" 

RE: Am I the only person to find Avatar....

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2011, 19:50

I thought it was very good - but the last 40 minutes or so especially (been a while since I saw it all) were superb.  Just like a good `war film`.. :)
Mind you I saw, sorry, heard about a film called `This Ain`t Avatar` recently.  I was most shocked that it actually wasn`t...

We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Am I the only person to find Avatar....

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2011, 23:30

I cann`t stand what avatar is supposed to be. It;s not in any way original. It`s pocohontas drawn out an extra hour). I like what it IS, even if some of the acting is trite and the script is so far out of date it`s laughable. It`s a cartoon, plain and simple, with some live action elements thrown in.

It;s not dull, by any means, and the extended collector`s cut adds a little extra (Although I would have liked Trudy`s relationship with Norm included in the final cut), and SJ`s correct in his comments about the last 40 minutes or so are spot on


Writer`s Release
My Collection

RE: Am I the only person to find Avatar....

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 2nd January 2011, 23:33

I was almost ostracised when I didn`t agree that it was the "best film ever"

I got the same thing from mates re Inception which bored me silly and tried way too hard to be clever.

RE: Am I the only person to find Avatar....

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd January 2011, 00:34

I enjoyed it (I didnt see it at the cinema but bought the extended version on Blu Ray recently) Its not the greatest film Ive ever seen by a long way so I dont see why folks hold it in such high regard but it does look amazing, The the story as other have said is is nothing new, but that said, Id go and watch Avatar 2 at the cinema based on my enjoyment of the first film.

A friend at work raves about it being the greatest film ever made and he went to see it in 3D time and time again, but oddly has yet to buy in on DVD, I keep telling him to watch it on DVD and then decide if it was the film he was blown away by or the 3D. I had a similar experience with Beowulf, loved it at the cinema (my first `new style` 3D film) but in 2D though it was just ok,

having said that, he hated Inception and I loved even though I do agree that its maybe trying too hard to be clever

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

My Collection

RE: Am I the only person to find Avatar....

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 3rd January 2011, 06:22

It was pretty, but that`s it. I *hated* the arsehole blue cat people and was cheering on the "bad guys". I`ve got some strange looks for admitting that. ~*~

RE: Am I the only person to find Avatar....

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd January 2011, 09:14

clever graphics... but 10 minutes would have been lomg enough!

RE: Am I the only person to find Avatar....

1mills (Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd January 2011, 12:49

I saw it at cinema and I`m with the "graphics was impressive, but really didn`t like the film" gang.

I don`t have any intention of seeing it again, especially not an extended version.

In fact I wouldn`t even have it in my top 10 of last year or this year either.

This item was edited on Monday, 3rd January 2011, 12:53

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