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Page 1 of Never thought I`d see something on Reviewer that made me sick...

General Forum

Never thought I`d see something on Reviewer that made me sick...

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 24th January 2011, 16:24

Until I saw the review for Crying with Laughter.
Nothing against our illustrious Reviewer David,  but that excuse for a film.

Stolen script incorporated to their own from someone who just doesn`t have the funds to chase it in the Legal field and who was actually supporting these people when they stole it from him.
(supporting by word of mouth, commenting how good they were etc. and telling others they should go and see it when it was released to then have people phone him from the cinema saying OMFG have you seen this? Isn`t this... <add other script title here> )

Absolutely sickening when they could easily have just asked for the use of it and credited the guy and would probably have gotten the OK to go ahead.

And in case anyone wonders, yes I saw the script in question long before I even heard about CFL, saw the emails from way before it was filmed/scripted, and know the author personally.

Jimbo : oÞ

"There`s that word again... is there a problem with the Earth`s gravitational pull in the future?"

This item was edited on Monday, 24th January 2011, 16:24

RE: Never thought I`d see something on Reviewer that made me sick...

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 24th January 2011, 19:14

Why not write the whole story up properly and add it as a comment to the review?  We`re all for stirring it up here at Reviewer. :D

J Mark Oates

Life Is Too Short To Take It Seriously

RE: Never thought I`d see something on Reviewer that made me sick...

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 24th January 2011, 21:34

I`ll go one better... I`ll try n get the author to join or write it for me to add.

Jimbo : oÞ

"There`s that word again... is there a problem with the Earth`s gravitational pull in the future?"

RE: Never thought I`d see something on Reviewer that made me sick...

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 24th January 2011, 21:46

I`d just watch you don`t break any libel laws...


Si Wooldridge

RE: Never thought I`d see something on Reviewer that made me sick...

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 25th January 2011, 12:01

Sounds interesting -- I would like to hear more.  David


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