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Page 1 of Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

General Forum

Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

The Mobile Dr42%er (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 06:58

Talk about taking one for the team.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 08:02

RE: Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

1mills (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 07:46

Fair play to them.

Volunteering to take the place of younger workers at the power station is not brave, Mr Yamada says, but logical.

RE: Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 09:13

I think they`re very brave, even if it is the more logical choice, and my prayers are with them.  I hope they can stop the situation from getting any worse.

RE: Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 16:00

When you get a situation like this, we do not have robot workers (yet), so humans are needed, close up and personal to enter high radiation, and to do the necessary dirty work of cleanup and decontamination.

Each country has their own way of dealing with this.....

We had Cernobly where the Russians just ordered the military and nuclear workers to their deaths and /or damage to body, to put out the nuke fires and create a sheild around the reactor. And whether they knew or not, it was their duty, and it was re-enforce by the red state to comply.

Japan on the other hand looking at history, have had years of total brainwashing of doing their bit for country and emperor, whether through military or civilian action. Their nuclear workers seemed to stick it out, not forgetting their fire brigade teams who hosed the plants down.

So logically this `dads army` seems the ideal Japanese way of getting older and dare I say disposable Volunteers.

This process now brings us to thinking how would the UK have solved this hellish problem of decontamination, Would UK Nuclear workers hold their posts as long as the Japanese did, as radiation levels rise ?

How would the UK get recruits or volunteers, knowing that they will die of radiation or cancer in the near future ?

Would they offer prisoners a deal?, would they use the military?, who knows, but there must be a goverment paper on what to do if a similar nuclear incident occured on UK soil.

When it comes to Nuclear powerstation leaks and meltdowns, its all very frightening, as these questions must be answered, as some poor sod suddenly becomes cannon foder, to save the rest of us, all because of an industry based on a very dangerous type of energy.

RE: Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 16:09

bandicoot says...
So logically this `dads army` seems the ideal Japanese way of getting older and dare I say disposable Volunteers.
But as this man states in his explanations, the lethal effects of the said radiation poisoning could take many years to manifest, by which time most of these pensioners will have already died or be nearing their final years.
And what a fantastic way for them to feel needed again. 

Jimbo : oÞ

"There`s that word again... is there a problem with the Earth`s gravitational pull in the future?"

RE: Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 16:10

bandicoot says...
we do not have robot workers (yet),
I seem to remember in the Chernobyl incident, the radiation was so high that the robots they were trying to use kept malfunctioning.


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RE: Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 16:40

Your correct, I shoud have said nuclear hardened robots that can survive EMP and TREE specs. Electro magnetic pulse and transient radiation effects.

Until then it has to be a bi-pedal biological entity with lead underware :(

RE: Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

Paris (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 19:41

Well I take my hat off to them. Thinking of the Kennedy quote.. ask not what you can do for your country. True hero`s in the waiting.

RE: Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 1st June 2011, 19:53

I said when it happened what a remarkable people they were, dont know any other country who could have handled it so well, this just reinforced it for me .....

RE: Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Monday, 18th July 2011, 19:35

Just watched a one hour special on the Japanese news channel on sky, dubbed into English, about the state of the counrty folloing the nuek plant disaster.

i am amazed their is little information hitting the world news about the japanese peoples plight over this radiation contamination.


The town that is next to plant will be off limits for years due to the high levels of radiation. It could be as bad as the towns that were around Chernobly, as the half life of the radiation is 30 years.

Futher out to a 20km radius, the doses are still very high outside, and school children have to stay indoors, for schooling and playtime, and they all have to keep fully covered and wear a dustmask when outside.

Soil replacement has been introduced in school playgrounds.

Futher out from this 20km radius there are `hot spots` in the surrounding area, and helicopters with radiation equipment have scanned the countryside in sweeps to mark out these hot spots, where contamination came down from the clouds via the rain.

They have contacted farmers that are close to or in a hot spot to prevent produce being sold, As expected the farmers are not too happy about that.

Tokyo which is around 100km from the plant has been found to have hot spots too.

Fruit, vegtables and fish are now suspect in many areas due to contamination. even tea plantations beyond the 100km radius have been found full of contamination, as the leaves act as a filter to the radiation and it accumulates to a dangerous level. so that ends their production at the moment. All food produce and water sources is now being checked to be within safety standards of dossage

Local are having to source food and safe water futher afield from uncontaminated areas of Japan.

This is a very damming report on the nuclear industry and its legasy of many future years of contamination over much of Japan.

If this report had been shown in Britain, it would have put people right off having new nuclear power staions being built.

Ps...this japanese special report may be repeated on the Japanese news channel again, so watch out fot it, there is a part 1 (one hour) and part 2 (one hour).

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