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Page 1 of Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

General Forum

Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 26th August 2011, 16:41

I swear this business model is based on trafficking prostitutes...


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RE: Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 26th August 2011, 18:53

Tried a bar of Hershey`s once.  Reminded of Phoebe from Friends "Dear God, This must be what evil tastes like!!"

Cheap Easter Egg chocolate.  Blech!

J Mark Oates

It`s Only A Hat, Darling.
Belonging To A Small-Headed Man of Limited Means
Who Lost A Fight With A Chicken.

RE: Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th August 2011, 19:04

I feel sorry for these guys as captive workers because I got the same done to me 25 years ago working for an oil company in Dubai UAE.

I was told in Britain I would get 30K a year, with a flat and £120 a week living expenses when I was out there.

I did get the £30k salary paid into my bank in the UK, but when I arrived in Dubai I was put into a workers camp instead of a flat, and I got £10 a week expenses as acording to them all food and board was given, It was like a hellish prison, with not enough money to even get a taxi into town.

I complained each week that I wanted a flat in Dubai instead of being stuck out in the desert in a tin hut.

Eventually (after four weeks suffering this indignity) I told them to shove the job and give me my ticket on a flight home. Within two days I got my flat and £120 a week expenses.

You have to stand up for yourself against bad employers and bad conditions.

This item was edited on Friday, 26th August 2011, 20:05

RE: Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

Paris (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th August 2011, 22:47

Stop eating their choc so..

RE: Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 26th August 2011, 23:18

My Name is PeteMK, and I`m addicted to Hershey`s Reeses peanut butter cups


I`m.. I`m sorry. I don`t know what came over me


Writer`s Release
My Collection

RE: Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

Viewtiful Mark (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2011, 08:00

The West is so screwed up, I don`t know where communism ends and capitalism begins. Isn`t this the kind of thing that they would do to workers in, oh I don`t know, North Korea?

RE: Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2011, 10:01

In case you had any doubts about the good old USA

Abe would turn in his grave

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RE: Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

Viewtiful Mark (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2011, 10:27

Thanks for your links Mike. It`s not just black people facing these issues in American prisons, it`s everyone of any colour. People are being thrown into jail for nothing, and facing years and years of slave labour. There are active lobbyists pushing for tougher sentences for petty crimes, resulting in more people being thrown into US prisons, for this express purpose.

We`re just as bad in England though, or at least, we aspire to be as bad. There`s always talk of privatising prisons and suchlike.

RE: Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2011, 10:38

Agreed Mark, but there is a hugely disproportionate number of young black men and 50 years for nicking a slice of pizza has to be cruel and unusual punishment

And I agree that the sooner knobhead UK politicians get it out of their (what`s in it for us) heads that handing over to profit making companies is a good idea, the better.

rant over, lol

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RE: Come to America! Work for Hersheys!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 27th August 2011, 10:50

Viewtiful Mark says...
We`re just as bad in England though, or at least, we aspire to be as bad
Thankfully the latter. I hope we (as a nation) treat every attempt to go in that direction appropriately.

Whilst we can go nuts in a crisis (omg riots, bring out the water cannons, rubber bullets, real bullets, hanging is too good for them...) we don`t have as corrupt a political system and also separate police and legal systems, so there is only so far a politician can run with extreme views.

Hopefully, anyway. :)


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