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Page 1 of Do You Pre-Order?

General Forum

Do You Pre-Order?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 02:25

Do You Pre-Order Your DVDs/ Blu-rays?
Yes, most times.
2 votes
13 votes
No, I buy them in the shops when they`re released.
1 vote
I wait for them to drop in price.
22 votes

I know by rights this should maybe go in DVDs & Films, but it gets a bit quiet in there and I thought "What the hell, this is supposed to be a DVD Reviewer site"...

So, do you pre-order your DVDs/ Blu-rays?  Or do you pick them up around street date at your local ASDA?  Or do you wait for them to hit the bargain bucket at Morrison`s?

J Mark Oates

The Home Of Lively Debate
And Misinformed Comment

RE: Do You Pre-Order?

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 05:14

Everything is half the price or much less in no time now

Most of my buying is bargain priced box sets of dvds

Do you ever sleep?

or are you one of them creatures of the night?

I`ve got cold, is my excuse and hitting the paracetamol and ginger tea before sloping off back to bed

[Google have marked as a hoster of malware, therefore this link has been removed]

This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 08:21

RE: Do You Pre-Order?

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 06:38

Used to preorder DVDs all the time. Not anymore - usually wait until they drop in price now. That`s if I buy any at all.
DVD collection has depleted big time now, once had shelves covering one side of room full - probably over 800 titles, now down to about 100, and about 40 Blu-Rays.
What was the point in keeping them when I probably wouldn`t watch them again ?


This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 06:39

RE: Do You Pre-Order?

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 06:42

If you had asked a few years ago, my answer would have been "yes, most times", now it`s "I wait for them to drop in price."

as with a lot a ppl I suspect, I think my buying habits changed when it only took seamingly a few months for AAA title to be in supermarkets for £5 so I`d buy a DVD while doing grocery shopping, I remember one time buying 4 titles in one go.

I did pre-order the Star Wars Blu Ray Boxset, `cos I`m a self confessed Star Wras geek, and wanted "free" ltd edition film cell.

There was a stage in between, pre-ordering all the time, and almost never, to only "ltd edition"/play/hmv/amazon exclusive free gifts, but common sense prevailed, that I was better off waiting and getting say a Family guy boxset for £10 after a few months, rather than pre-ordering, and paying £30 to get an apron!

The cheap £5 DVD and now Blu Rays did mean I started to buy films, `cos they were cheap, and so sometimes now I think we own more films, we haven`t seen than have. There`s also those I preordered ltd edition to get the bonus disc, and we hardly ever watch the extras, since we don`t have enough time to watch all our films let alone with commentary, making off etc.

BadBoyBez raises another good point, we don`t sell them, but we very rarely watch a film again, so we`d rather watch one we haevn`t seen, the only time we make the effort is if a ssequal comes up, we watch previous films in series, so we really had to put some time aside for the last Saw film!

This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 06:47

RE: Do You Pre-Order?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 12:29

I remember pre-ordering The Lost World on VHS at my local WH Smith.

Cue day of release, go to pick up my copy (along with the free T-shirt that came with the pre-order offer) only to be told they had sold out.

Haven`t bothered since.

This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 12:29

RE: Do You Pre-Order?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 14:19

admars says...
If you had asked a few years ago, my answer would have been "yes, most times", now it`s "I wait for them to drop in price."
Exactly the same for me.


My Flickr Photostream

RE: Do You Pre-Order?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 15:27

Depends on what it is and if I really want it.  Pre-ordered both Tinker, Tailor and Mass Effect 3 but generally just pick things up as and when.


Si Wooldridge

RE: Do You Pre-Order?

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 19:15

I only buy when the price drops to a fiver, and now more likely £3. Thats all they are worth.

There is no way a new DVD should cost £15. That is just legalised overpriced piracy.

This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 19:19

RE: Do You Pre-Order?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 20:56

Mike - I`ve had trouble sleeping ever since I temped as a secretary for a middle-European aristocrat.  Or it might be that I frequently have to do the night shift as Mum`s carer.  She has trouble sleeping (but no problems napping during the day), so I`m usually on tea-making duty.

As to the poll - I only pre-order titles that interest me, and mostly to encourage the publishers (somebody has to pre-order, I suppose.)  I`m currently preordering the Falcon series from Odeon Entertainment via HMV.  It`s a 1930s-1940s mystery-adventure series by RKO that shamelessly rips off Leslie Charteris`s Saint adventures and stars George Sanders and later his elder brother Tom Conway.  Fell in love with it when it was screened over Christmas a few years back, so I`m upgrading to proper discs.

J Mark Oates

The Home Of Lively Debate
And Misinformed Comment

RE: Do You Pre-Order?

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2012, 22:35

On the subject of do you give away your DVD`s. Well yes and no.

I love si-fi, and tend to keep these (looking at my hoard of VHS videos of Doctor Who, way back to the first doctor, which I would like to get rid off due to space, but far to costly to replace on DVD). I watch them time after time.

Other DVD`s if I get fed up with them or just know I will never look at them ever again, I tend to hand them into one of four charity shops in my nearest town, and feel good about doing my bit for the community and futher afield.

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