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[VIDEO] Why America is a great country

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd October 2012, 11:48

Because cops can do this and the only real outrage comes from the internet:

I guess we are only marginally better because our outrage goes further, yet the officer gets off with just being fired.


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RE: [VIDEO] Why America is a great country

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd October 2012, 13:19

The recent case in Britain of Ian Tomlinson (well televised incident), where the guy got hit by a cop for no apparent reason other than anger, and eventually died, and the cop got away with it, shows up the powers of what a policeman can get away with, and is so easy to abuse the power they have. 

The total coverup of how the poor guy died saying that getting struck down was not a factor of him dying -rubbish!, also the way the force backed this vicious policeman was sickening, the whole abuse of power shocked the UK public, and makes us more worried about being around policemen, as we are among criminals.

This was a bad policeman, known for his brutality, and had left the force before to avoid alligations in an earlier incident in his career , yet, he got the chance to come back, and kill someone. He should have got the jail, instead of being free. Lets hope he meets someone more brutal than him one day.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 2nd October 2012, 14:22

RE: [VIDEO] Why America is a great country

Haste (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd October 2012, 17:21

Unfortunately the British justice system allows people to be tried by a jury of their peers. In this case they found him not guilty, we have to accept that whether we agree with the decision or not.

At least he`s no longer a police officer!

RE: [VIDEO] Why America is a great country

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd October 2012, 07:03

Ha ha ha  America   ha ha ha

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