Info and forum posts by 'Haste'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 3rd September 2002, 01:06, Last used: Sunday, 14th April 2013, 08:24

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 424 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.05 messages a day, or 0.36 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Snow watch 2013?

Pi**ing down in per usual!!

This item was edited on Monday, 14th January 2013, 21:20

RE: [VIDEO] Why America is a great country

Unfortunately the British justice system allows people to be tried by a jury of their peers. In this case they found him not guilty, we have to accept that whether we agree with the decision or not.

At least he`s no longer a police officer!

RE: RIP - Herbert Lom

I thought he`d died years ago!!

RE: That`s me a member for 12 years....

I joined over 10 years ago but I`ve only posted 400 odd times!! 0.8 posts per week!!

RE: Tekken advert

I cant access this from my iPad at all now!! When I first saw the skip ad button I thought great, but unfortunately it didn`t work and after about 50 times ckicking the return to DVD Reviewer button I gave up and broke out the laptop!!

RE: Have you heared about the Irish baker?

Don`t forget his gay promiscuous pal... Pat M`Groin
.....and his friends Patrick FitzMichael and Michael FitzPatrick

RE: 3,350,370,730th what number are you then :)

When you were born, you were the:3,367,491,156th person alive on

77,298,519,607th person to have lived since history began

RE: So, is LF gay, or what?

said the "media frenzy... should worry all of us".
It`s ok for the Tories to use a Media Frenzy when it is their news that they`re spinning though!!


RE: Riot police enter Dale Farm.

I did have a little chuckle as he raised his piece of wood to poke it into some Police Officers face only to get 50,000 volts for his trouble. And I suppose someone out there will think that the Police officer was being `heavy handed`

I also found it amazing how many of these travellers have public school accents!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th October 2011, 07:21

RE: Apparently I have an unpaid fund.

While we`re on the subject of scams, I`d like to warn everyone of a scam thats happening in Swansea and could be happening in your area too.

At ASDA in Swansea, 4 absolutely stunning girls approach men and said they want to have sex with them. The male then goes to their van with them where he has the most unbelievable sex with three of them. Unbeknown to the male the fourth steals his wallet from his trousers while he is having  sex and uses his credit card to buy goods and draw money from his account, maxing up the card.

Now I know this is true as it happened to me last Monday

and Tuesday

and Wednesday.........but they weren`t there on Thursday!!

RE: POLL: Where are you from?

I`m actually from the North East, but live in Wales. Everyone down here remarks that after 21 years "You haven`t lost your accent", however when I go home they take the P*ss for speaking with a Welsh accent!!!

RE: Rebecca Ennis - she`d have it

Is she `Jessica` Ennis` sister or something!!

This item was edited on Friday, 2nd September 2011, 13:52

RE: IPCC admit to misleading press after Duggan shooting!

the IPCC are a joke, they normally work hand in glove with the Police,
If you were a Police officer you wouldn`t agree that they work hand in glove! They are far from independent, though I will agree that they are a joke!! The fact that they release misinformation at such a delicate time in the investigation just sums up their leadership (At a time when our own leadership is questioned!)

Please though, I don`t want to start a 6 page slanging match!! 

This item was edited on Monday, 15th August 2011, 16:40

RE: IPCC admit to misleading press after Duggan shooting!

Aye, you could hit a walkie talkie!

RE: IPCC admit to misleading press after Duggan shooting!


It`s not like the movies where the hero aims for the arm! As Choagy said they aim for the largest body mass and only have a fraction of a second to take aim, make the decision and fire before being killed themselves.

Think how long it would take for someone to take aim at an arm and shoot with that accuracy, I would say several seconds, time which you haven`t got in a situation which we`re discussing! Also aiming at extremities puts other people in danger should the shot miss.

IPCC admit to misleading press after Duggan shooting!

The IPCC have now admitted that the may have `inavertantly` misled the press after the Duggan shooting that there had been an exchange of gunfire. At no time did the Police Officers claim Duggan had shot first!!

Will anything be done about this? Not a chance!

After the press release that the bullet in the officers radio was Police issue, we have had days of accusations of a `Police cover up` and the Police we find out that the IPCC were mistaken in their initial press release!  

Sorry rant over! 

This item was edited on Friday, 12th August 2011, 20:34

RE: OK, I`m probably being thick here!

Thanks Miles, it did work with one in, I was just wondering if plugging both in would make file transfer faster or something, but you tell me it`s for the power.


OK, I`m probably being thick here!

Just bought a CnM external hard drive. It came with a USB cable, but it has two USB connectors (plus the mini usb to go into the unit)
Q - Do I plug one usb connector (which one) or Both into my laptop. (Stands by for the ridiculing!!!) 

Fed up with the Pop ups & Pop outs!

As it says really! I don`t post much but I`m a very regular lurker. As I`m lurking I don`t always log on, but the pop up comes up EVERY there any way to stop it?The latest pop out from the side (In French) is a double pain....or is it just me getting it.

OK, rant over, have a nice day.

RE: Doctor Who: The Next Regeneration...

Mark Oates says...
and the Doc carking it in the first reel of Ep 1 won`t matter a jot.
To be fair, he`s got 200 years to spare before he does eventually `cark it!`

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th April 2011, 16:44

RE: PDF files, help please

Yep, using Adobe reader 8 and Vista...haven`t a clue why you can`t print???

RE: PDF files, help please

I just printed them?? It told me I hadn`t filled it in etc, however I just OK`d and pressed print and hey presto!!

RE: 40 years young today!

Belated Happy Birthday Mark....only 20 years till retirement!!!!

RE: Cryptic Dog Breed Quiz

1. CAIRN Terrier
6. LeonBerger (Lee on Burger??)

Haven`t got a clue for the rest!

This item was edited on Friday, 11th March 2011, 21:34

RE: Police pay to be cut...

With reference to the overtime, if an officer works on at the end of their shift, they work the first half hour for free, after that they are paid time and a third.

In our force most overtime is for officers attending Court on a rest day. The Criminal Protection Service (CPS) always seem to pick rest days at the last minute to warn an officer for Court, even though that officer includes a list of lis shifts in with the file of evidence....but still it`s the Police officer who is critisised for earning overtime!!!

If an officer is given less than 15 days notice to work a rest day they are paid time and a half, if they are given 5 or less days they earn double time. What is different from other jobs is that we are TOLD we have to work, so any plans you might have for that day off are out of the window!

I can guarantee we`d rather be at home on a rest day that sitting in a Court waiting to be sent home without even giving evidence (which is the norm!!!)

This item was edited on Saturday, 5th March 2011, 23:14

RE: Police pay to be cut...

There are 140,000 Bobbies in the UK....FIVE earned over 50k in overtime, that puts it into perspective. As Mark said, there is no overtime for the normal Bobby, can`t remember the last time I had any. Those five who earned that overtime mustn`t have any home life and the only people I would have thought could earn that type of overtime would be the likes of Special Branch, Royalty protection etc. They must have lived in work!
Personally I have 5 years to go in this job, I understand that the `bonus` payments we get will probably be going, however the Police Federation have always said that the Special Priority Payment should have been spent on Policing rather than being paid to just 40% of the workforce. This was a clear attempt by the government to divide and conquer in bringing in such a divisive payment.
Don`t believe all the spin that the government are coming out with either, we all know how their publicity machine works!! I have NEVER heard of anyone claiming 4 hours for taking a phone call at home and so on!

RE: iPhone 4.2........anyone else sick of waiting??

Updated last night and noticed a slight improvement in the responsiveness, but it`s not exactly `fast`! I think I`ve just got to accept that I`ll have to wait till next year and get my iPhone 4 with the upgrade!!

iPhone 4.2........anyone else sick of waiting??

As the title says really, desperate to try to get my 3G back to some normality!!


This item was edited on Sunday, 21st November 2010, 16:28