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Page 1 of Diesel driver?

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Diesel driver?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2014, 08:33

Like every, bus, cab and a vast percentage of private hire, probably 90% of lorries and vans. In other words every thing you buy is transported using diesel and anytime you move by road and it's not your vehicle. Probably diesel.

Thanks Boris

In Britain, about 29,000 premature deaths a year are thought to be caused by air pollution.

Here's a thought. Rip up every speed hump that's not in a minor residential road or play street. Reduce pollution from petrol and diesel engines at a stroke.
Not to mention reducing all the deliveries of suspension and steering parts to garages.


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I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Diesel driver?

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th July 2014, 23:13

I specifically watched 'Mayor of London' question time today on the subject of polution in the inner city was one of the questions, where Oxford road was mentioned as the worst poluted street in London, Europe and almost the world, even worse than Calcutta, India  

The green'es wanted to make Oxford road into a pedestrian presinct, but Boris told him no can do.

Boris 'god bless him' said that he had removed 20% diesel buses from this route but diesel taxes have filled their place, so polution is just as bad, especially NO2.

He has to comply with EU law, to meet new tighter emissions by 2020, so it seems inner London is going to be a no go area for a combustion engine in future.

Funny thing was that there was no mention of the Chemitrails overhead spewing aluminium and barium particals down on top of us, and breathing that stuff in. Maybe planes should get congestion charges as well 

On a personal note, since the introduction of the congestion charge, I stopped doing all engineering and construction contract work within the inner part of London and now just take on work outside the zone and other parts of the country, as its just not worth the hastle of driving in there now. I even moved house out to North East London, best thing I ever did.

RE: Diesel driver?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 31st July 2014, 07:47

bandicoot says...
" I even moved house out to North East London, best thing I ever did."

Where abouts? I used to live there. Though if I was worried about chemtrails I wouldn't what with major flightpaths from Heathrow, Gatwick, Standstead and London City all flying overhead.


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RE: Diesel driver?

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 31st July 2014, 14:11

I started reading the bandicoot's reply without realising who it was from...halfway down and the word chemtrails pops up and I thought "bandicoot" lol.

Surely if you're as worried as you seem to be about chemtrails you'd want to be set up in some sort of farm house in the middle of nowhere so it's harder to get you?

RE: Diesel driver?

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 31st July 2014, 18:09

Do you know how much  a farm house is, in the middle of nowhere...very expensive (I know as I looked at the time) 

Mind you when I retire back to Oz, the only place left clear there is the North West territories as population is 10 people, 500 crocs, 5000 snakes,  10000 poisionous spiders per 100 square miles. Not worth spraying.

I am an East coaster in Oz, so may as well shoot myself now 

RE: Diesel driver?

sj (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 31st July 2014, 19:08

band, serious question.
Do you HONESTLY believe this chemtrail stuff?  Joking aside, and just how many people would need to be involved (myself included), do you?


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Diesel driver?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 31st July 2014, 19:09

OMG SJ admits he's part of the chemtrail conspiracy!


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