Page 1 of Math study into conspiracy theories
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I know I'm just asking for this posting it here, bandi, just ignore it and move along, think of this as part of the conspiracy!
It's difficult to keep a conspiracy under wraps, scientists say, because sooner or later, one of the conspirators will blow its cover.
A study has examined how long alleged conspiracies could "survive" before being revealed - deliberately or unwittingly - to the public at large.
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RE: Math study into conspiracy theories
The square root of minus one is a conspiracy as its an imaginary number. It is only Mathematicians that come up with imaginary numbers, unlike our down to earth Engineers who have to make the dam thing and get it working
I remember back in my good old days at Oz college getting a maths lecture, and the Engineer who was giving the lecture told an interesting story which I never forgot.....
The story.....
A mathematician and an Engineer are only 20 steps from a naked lady giving it 'the come up and see me' attitude. But for ever step towards the lady you have to half that step, then next time half the next step, progressively getting shorter each step etc..
The mathematician refuses to budge saying its impossible.
The Engineers instead, moves forward a step at a time and says "almost there, almost there"