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Advice installing a second Hard Drive?

Dermot Ologist (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th April 2002, 18:09

I need to install a second hard drive and wondered in anyone knew of any pitfalls before I spend my hard earned pennies. (E.g. some of the customer reviews on Jungle for a 40gb drive say their pc only recognised it as a 30gb!)

Thanks in anticipation....

RE: Advice installing a second Hard Drive?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 14th April 2002, 18:29

How old is your PC? What motherboard does it have?

RE: Advice installing a second Hard Drive?

OBzilla! (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th April 2002, 20:26

depending on how old your motherboard is it might not detect a 40gig HD, better check your manual or look up the product code on a search engine.

my motherboard was so old it could only take a 4gig HD so when I bought a 40gig i was up a metaphorical creek, I got IBM disk manager though and now have it working at 32gig, so it might help you bump up your maximum HD size.


RE: Advice installing a second Hard Drive?

cynic (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 14th April 2002, 22:30

check the relevant web site for the motherboard manufacturer and look for bios updates which should tell you what your motherboard will handle.
Better not be using Win 95 version 1 as thats got a limit on disk size (being fat 16 rather than fat 32)
One last consideration, harddrives get allocated letters after floppy drives but before anything else so your cdrom drive may go from D to E which may cause problems with already installed software that requires the CD to be present. There are utilities to search out the relevant references and rename them to the new drive letter (Partition magic has one for instance)

RE: Advice installing a second Hard Drive?

Kain^ (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th April 2002, 00:25

ha ha hah hahah
i`ve just installed a new hard drive this week and got p***ed off because it was only reading it as a 20gb, it was a 40gb.
But was fixed by a simple bios upgrade from my MB manufacturers website.



RE: Advice installing a second Hard Drive?

Dermot Ologist (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th April 2002, 19:02

Cheers all. My machine currently has a 20gb drive but I`ll open it up, look at the motherboard and check it will recognise 40gb

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