Page 1 of Are you stupid enough to challenge Moo Hammered Our Lee?

Gremlins Forum

Are you stupid enough to challenge Moo Hammered Our Lee?

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 01:27

My 9th grem will take on anyone - big, small, medium, and those in between. He floats like a butter knife, stings like when he pees. He also drinks a lot too.

What have you got to lose? Well, possibly the fight and XP points... I guess time could be lost too. But it probably won`t hurt you physically... Well, have a think about it at least... :)


RE: Are you stupid enough to challenge Moo Hammered Our Lee?

charli2005 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 17:35

who me yeah i`m stupid enough :)

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