Info and forum posts by 'wac77'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 9th May 2005, 21:14, Last used: Monday, 7th November 2005, 18:51

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 28 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

But I really didn`t expect any since I beat the crap out every one of them yesterday. I was suprised they actually accepted the challenges at all! :o
Maybe I`ll get a challenge now
since I have to create a new grem and since they can beat it I might get a challenge from them

Top 5 a bunch of whimps

Over the past 3-4 days I was curious to see if any of the top 5 guys would challenge a grem with some Str. Well they have proved to be the biggest buch of whimps since Bonus! Only challenging grems way lower than themselves. Since I was in the top 12 for the past 5-6 days I would have expected a challenge or 2 from at least a few of them. BUT NO! Not a 1 from any of them in days! Who are you guys challenging if not the top ten??? And challenging each other don`t count since all of you are probably all from 1 owner anyway.
I do appoligise to a few of you that were there (top 5) but no longer are since the whimps came along, since you guys did indeed offer challenges (Gruntfutock, Andrioo, to name a couple)
As for the current batch at the top... Grow some balls! Challenge a real Grem you losers!

RE: I have one challenge left...

I`ll take that challenge!
I just sent you one. I told em to be nice lets see if he listens.

RE: We have a Chicken in the ranks

You Are right it IS your choice but NOT a very smart one!!
Refusals tend to get you 0 challenges from the refused grem in the future!! Plus many others will see you run from a fight and will not bother with you either.
Hence costing you alot more than a few beat downs Which is what happens when you are at the bottom of the ranks!.

The rerason you have had very few accepted fights is you are challengeing ONLY those below you and most of those owners create a grem have a fight or two and never do it again (look at their win/lose record before you challenge, if they only had 1,2,or 3 fights chances are they abandoned the grem and you are wasting a challenge)

You are complaining about a challenge from a grem 5 spots up from you. You are given 10 challenges a day so you figure most owners challenge the next 5 up and the next 5 down, from their current rank. So you saying we are picking on you is a crock of S#!^&! Expect challenges from any grem within 10 ranks of you up or down. Any challenges from a grem 10+ ranks higher IS picking, anyone within 10 ranks is just looking 4 a fight so stop whining about getting your butt kicked and take it like a man!

You refused me and your STR was higher than mine my dex and sta are higher BUT 1 or 2 good hits from you and you could have won. BUT you were a whimp and lost any chance at the 3 xp or more if you could have if you had done some damage.


RE: Refused

I read your post after I chalenged today
BUT if you want to challenge me I will accept
You`ll kick my butt, but hey not too many others have the balls to issue a challenge to a grem with some strength
I have only gotten MAYBE 9 challenges since the new rules started


RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

I Agree as well The 0 XP for a fight sucks! >:(
at least before when you got the crap beat outta you, ya at least got 3

RE: Current Grems at bottom of the table

I don`t think it necessary to bump off inactive grems all too quickly just let challenges stand for 7 days NOT 3 this way there would be alot less wasted challenges. People do go away and get busy or have PC probs offing a grem too soon would not be fair if it was a legit reason for not checking em. If a grem is idle 2 weeks them Whack em

RE: New plan regarding dexterity issue

To address these issuse of Dex getting too many points
Or conans gaurantee 3 hits

BASE ALL Roles ON THE STATS! not who`s is higher

Ex Grem 1 STR 100 STA 500 DEX 2000, GREM 2 STR 500 STA 500 DEX 500

Grem one goes to hit grem 2, Both get a random roll for their dex (grem 1 to hit grem 2 to dodge) grem 1 can roll anywhere form a 0-2000 (DEX of 2000), grem 2 can roll a 0-500 (DEX of 500) .
If grem 1 rolls 300 and grem 2 rolls 425 . NOW COMPARE ROLLS NOT STATS 300 vs 425 Grem 2 wins with a 425 beating grem 1 by 125 points. Because grem 2 wins he either either dodges or if large difference in rolls ( lets say 120+ or so) gets to swing back
Now calculate damage grem 2 beat out grem 1 in the dex check by 120 points so hs gets to swing back.
Base damage on the Grems STR who is doing th hit not the difference between STRs,
Grem 2 swing s at grem 1Grem 2 STR is 500 so the damage is a roll between 0-500 Grem 2 rolls 320 so the damage is 320 points knocking grem one down to STA of 180

Thjis way NO ONE TYPE has the ADVANTAGE over another each one can have a good roll or a bad roll. The fights are then based on HOW you set up your Grem and everyone has a fair chance of winning a fght even if it is against a higher rank Grem
This way it is based on your stat but NOT GAURANTEED so a grem with a high dex could be beaten by a slower dex grem if the rolls are in its favor

A conan with a STR of 4000 DEX 200 Vs a dancer STR 200 Vs DEX 4000 May be able to hit the dancer if the rolls are right BUT his danage is NOT gauranteed it could be 5, 50, 500, or 4000 based on the role. The dancer IS NOT gaurenteed to dodge or even hit he can role a 5, 50, 500, o4 4000, if the other grem beats his role that round he is gonna get hit.
It adds alot more ramdomness to the game and makes it less baised for 1 type over another eveyone can have a good or a bad role NO ONE is EXEMPT!

RE: STandings make NO SENSE!!!

All that is well and good BUT Still does not address the problem that the standings are BIASED!!!

A Win is a Win is a Win! The winner of a match should get FULL XP regardless of how long the match went. The loser should get XP for # of rounds, the longer you go the more XP.

I get a WIN but am not rewarded for a KO as much as a win on points!! THAT IS BS!!!

In Boxing don`t they LIST the # of KO`s a Boxer has?!?!?!
Doesn`t the # of KO`s help in the standings????

So why is a Rocky fighter penalised for getting a KO??? While a dancer gets MORE for notr really boxing.

BTW Yes a dancer may avoid most of those punches BUT the few that Do connect (and some will) may send his @$$ to the floor. 3 of those is a TKO Why is THAT option not looked into??
If a Grem hits you for more than 1/2 your Sta I am SURE it should hit the mat. So Why not give the TKO option a whirl (I agree the hit 3X rule would need to be removed)

This item was edited on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 17:51

RE: New plan regarding dexterity issue

Possible solution for DEX issue

If you are set on awarding wins based on # of hits Fine I understand the reason and it has some validity.
BUT WHY should you be given FULL XP if you didn`t even hurt your opponent?

(I`ve had matches where the winner did less than 200 points of damage to me but hit me 1 more time than I hit then and I did over 2,000 points of damage to them and they not only get a win but get more XP??!!?)
That makes no sense at all!!!! (in life they would have been a bloody mess and I would be barly breathinbg hard what judge would award the other guy the win?)

Solution .... award the win to the grem who hit the most
Unless the winning Grem does damage = to or greater than 50% of the opponents Sta Do not Award Full XP
They get the win (for hitting more) but only get 50% of the XP since they really did not actually box but danced around tapping the other grem.

Give only 50% of xp (to winner OR loser) if they did not do at least 50% damage to their opponets Sta
Award full xp (as per # of round the fight went) to the winner or loser if they were able to do at least 50% damage to their opponents Sta

this will allow the dexers to get their wins but they will move up the ranks more slowly since they don`t get 31-36 XP per fight where a real boxer tries to actually Damage their opponent only get 8-15 point of XP cuz they actually FOUGHT and KICKED BUTT
BTW Isn`t that the POINT of BOXING

This suggestion would even the playing feild for ALL as the dexers don`t get extra XP just for dancing, The Connans don`t get any advantage cuz they still only get limited XP for Quick KO

STandings make NO SENSE!!!

Can someone explain the logic of this??
I have more fights than you but you are ahead in the standings!
I have MORE wins than you but you are ahead in the standings!
I have LESS loses than you but you are ahead in the standings!

17 (+2) Schroedinger IV Frippscratch middle aged 11027 65 5000 4382 316 158 158
18 (-1) UncUgly 8 UncUgly getting on 10922 2000 3022 3800 362 210 152
19 (+3) Thunder Lippy Lips bwb belly dropping 10566 140 4540 4306 313 158 155
20 (0) Mead Head wac77 silver haired 10506 2205 1711 4400 371 219 152

I understand the how.
X # of wins by 10 then add add stats to get score. hence your ranking.
BUT WHERE IS THE LOGIC??? it makes no sense!!!

You are rewarding the weaklings because they get more XP and for NOT beating someone up or even for winning, just for dancing around a ring and tapping each other. That is not boxing thats dancing! I though the rules were based on BOXING RULES?!?
Have you ever seen a boxer in a title fight not because he has a good win/lose record but because he can dance around a ring for 15 rounds! I don`t thgink so.
So can someone PLEASE explain HOW this is the way you rate a fighter in the standings.
Cuz by this logic a fit ballet dancer should be the Champ and the Rocky`s would be in last. The dancer won`t get hit but gest tons of xp where the Rocky`s loose not for lack of boxing skill but because the dancer was able NOT to KO him or even TKO him but cuz he tapped him more times! Dancer gets rewarded a win and More Xp higher spot on standing and NOT for Boxing but dancing around!

Is this fair to those with GOOD win/lose records???

RE: New plan regarding dexterity issue

It is very frustrating to see grems with Worse win/lose records than me above me in standings, just because the choose Dex Sta.Standing should be based MORE on WIns than # of STR DEX STA points! I have gotten less and less chalenges per day the more I build my Str and the dexers just go wizzing past cuz they get 10+ challenges per day. I`m lucky to get 6
1st Take out the refuse option! Change the lapse option to 7 days not 3 too easy to let it ride 3 days 7 has more impact and will force more to just accept the fight.

Want to make it more fair have 3 additional fights per day per grem that are Randomly choosen when you make your challenges. Random challenges should be limited to grems within 10 standing positions away Up and down so there are 20 grems to get the random fight from (but no babies being whoopped by Old timers)
This way the dexers can not avoid the connans all the time, and have to challenge them at least once in awhile.

RE: three challenges today...... anyone want them?

I`ll take a challenge any day
As of the past few days I have gotten maybe 3-4 a day I used to have a full card every day sometimes more than 7 a day after I accept the first batch
people are scared of Mead head now I guess

RE: Hall Of Shame

I Agree with you I Hate
SHAME the REFUSERS but not always the lapsers
If you do not know why someone lapsed it really is not fair!
For Example I only check my grem at work and I only work Mon-Thurs.
My PC is NOT hooked up yet at home (just moved, and am waiting for DSL service) and most weekends I am either at my cabin in the woods (no phone, no TV, never mind internet) Or I go away.
So I am sorry if I caused anyone to waste a challenge but as I said the weeknds I am not near a PC or just too busy
BUT to shame someone for lapsing and not know why is just not cool.
NOW if you see em fight other grems during the time you issued a challenge and they lapse you SHAME EM!!!!
And I think ther should be a permanent HALL of SHAME so others can see who to avoid wasting challenges on!

BTW I never refuse a challenge during the week so anyone up for a fight BRING IT! don`t care what you rank if you kick my butt no prob I still earned at least 3XP

RE: Rounds VS Damage???

Thanks I understand the logic as you put it.
It is just a lil frustrating when I do 1500 point of damage to someone and they do less than 100 to me and they win the match. Just doesn`t seem right.
Oh well thems be da rules

RE: what a surprise..... bruce the bonus refused a fight.

As I said he refused me the other day and now he is challenging me today!!
DUH!!!!!! and his stats have not changed! DUH!!!!

RE: what a surprise..... bruce the bonus refused a fight.

Refused me too!
and from now on anyone who has refused me a fight that was fair more than once will NEVER get a fight acceptted by me on principle! and I ACCEPT ALL CHALLENGES!!!
I HATE it when people refuse me!!! But why should I play fair when they act like loosers

Rounds VS Damage???

Can Someone explain the logic of this to me??
2 Grems go at it for 20 rounds
1st Grem does Over 1000 points of damage bringing grem 2 very close to knock out
2nd Grem does only 100 points of damage barely scratching Grem 1
BUT because Grem 2 hit in more rounds than Grem 1, Grem 2 gets the win


I undestand HOW it works (Grem 2 won more rounds) I want to know WHY?
If Grem 1 kicked the Crap out of Grem 2 on points bringing him close to KO (and to me that is what winning a fight is about who kicked whos Butt!! NOT who hit who how many times)
HOW and WHY should Grem 2 win when he barely damaged Grem 1 at all???


OK eclypse you just admitted to taking this too seriously since it was YOU who posted

"I would not make the assumption that others are losers either if they refuse a challenge, it is not all about being scared or not, after all this is about the stats too and it doesn`t always work to your advantage to blindly accept every challenge and as for me like I stated when I see guys who are in the under 40 rank club challenging someone who clearly has less than 50% of their stats it is still no contest, and I get more of those challenges than I do realistic ones and I am not about to add more losses than wins not for any amount of pressure like from a post like this, just because I am playing the game for more wins. Just doesnt make sense not to."

:o busted!

I just don`t see the point of playing if your gonna run from any fight that the opponent is bigger than you, Or worrying about your record. I mean is your win/lose record THAT IMPORTANT TO YOU?? If it is, that is just really, really sad!

That wasn`t rudeness it was the truth! If this game is that important to ppl (grem win/lose record), they are just sad and really need to get a life.


You are correct eclypse I used the term loser due to the fact that we can not use the words I wanted!!!
I mean GET REAL it is supposed to be mindless fun to waste a few mins of your day to forget about the real world. DO YOU REALLY CARE HOW MANY WINS vs LOOSE you have?? IT is a GAME, NOT LIFE, the xp doesn`t magically turn into $$ or make you a better person? If it really matters THAT MUCH to you , you really need to shut off the PC for good and go join the REAL world. GET a LIFE cuz if his is it man that is pathetic!
I play cuz it is fun. Do I care if i get my gremlin arse kicked? NO as a matter of fact I had 5 challenges waiting for me today from grems 2X 3X and even 4X my stats did I refuse even 1??? NOPE Did I try to pump my stats as best I could before accepting sure by why waste the challenge someone posed?

I AGREE the REFUSE option sould be removed! In its place put a limit on the # ranking you can challenge. For example you can only challenge a Grem who is within 50 rank positions + or - of you (gives you 100 grems to challenge without the big guys pcking on the whiny lil guys)


I hear you towlie!!!
lildog murdog refused me too!
My stats were only slightly higher I was only 3-4 slots above him in ranking and he ran from the fight.

This item was edited on Thursday, 2nd June 2005, 20:14


OK, USE YOUR BRAIN iF YOU CHALLENGED ME ON THE 12TH WOULDN`T YOUR CHALLEGE EXPIRE BY MONDAY THE 16TH??? The challenges made on the 13, 14, & 15 would NOT have expired by monday the 16th Hence I was able to accept
The only reason there was any fight on the 12th is because I saw the challenge before I left work Wed night (I am in NY there is a time difference at 7pm here the date on this site changes it is a different time zone)
If you want I am here now bring it on!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 16:57


only time I ever let a challenge lapse is when I am away from my office for the weekend (fri, sat & sun) and if I take off Thurs or Mon to make a long weekend they expire and I never see em


HOW LAME!!! those of you who refuse a match! Even if the challenger is bigger and stronger WHY CHICKEN OUT?!?!
I`ve accepted challenges for grems 3 4 and 5 times my status. Got my butt kick sure but stilk got the XP. If they are bigger and badder than you wait till you have a few `other` matches pump up your skills then take em on, what you got to lose?
If your gonna run from a fight why bother fighting at all!

Faithful Sidekick Punky :D