Page 1 of Alltime Best Gremlins

Gremlins Forum

Alltime Best Gremlins

broadwayblue (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th October 2005, 16:08

With the new scoring system in place, it is going to be quite easy to knock off some of the all time great gremlins. Considering what it took these gremlins to get there, it is a far cry as to what you have to do now to become an alltime great.

Any chance we can archive the alltime greats based on the old scoring system and start a new one with the new rules?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 19th October 2005, 17:13

RE: Alltime Best Gremlins

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 20th October 2005, 10:46

This has been suggested before, and it is possible.

But unfortunately there aren`t enough people playing it to warrant the time being spent on it at the moment. :/


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Alltime Best Gremlins

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th October 2005, 11:41

They got there under easier rules that later Grems so it`s no different this time.

RE: Alltime Best Gremlins

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th October 2005, 16:41

...and if Steamboat Willy want to defend his title, then he should be around to do so the proper way... :P :)

(I`m sure he`s around somewhere, keeping an eye on things)

RE: Alltime Best Gremlins

Steamboat Willy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 24th October 2005, 02:15

Ouch! 100 XP a fight nowadays? Is that the going rate?

Don`t think I`ll be mounting a challenge for the top again any time soon.


RE: Alltime Best Gremlins

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th October 2005, 22:34

Hey up SW, good to see you`re still lurking around here :) Not even tempted to make yourself an `alter-ego` and just test the water a bit? You know you wanna... :P

Hey, as far as I know, you probably already have an alter ego. I`m not very observant on these things...

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th October 2005, 23:35

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