Page 1 of Apology/Explanation

Gremlins Forum


Mr. Thang (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th March 2006, 19:35

I have noticed that it seems like everyone has been aware of my gremlins as of late, so I have decided to create this post to do the following:

[list=a] [*] apologize for buying way too many days while my gremlins were young and monopolizing the top 11 for what seemed like forever (it was getting embarassing), and
[*] to explain why I did it: [/list=a]
The reason why I did it was because nobody would challenge me (correction: only gremlins that were entirely out of my gremlins` league would challenge me), so my gremlins always did horrible (3 experience points per fight is not an accomplishment).

I needed a way to make sure that they would get decent fights with grems that were at their level, but all of the ones at the bottom were inactive... What else could I do??? I was hoping to keep the game at least interesting for myself and others...

Also, nobody seems to want to mention that if they had a gremlin that wasn`t too weak, they could have challenged ANY of my gremlins and chose to hit harder, which would have gotten them a decent amount of experience for it. I purposely kept their strength down and would choose to do nothing or conserve energy whenever I was challenged (which depended on the other grem`s strength), so people could actually use my gremlins to grow theirs. I didn`t keep them at the eggman`s level, but they were extremely low in comparison to some people who create those monsters that can kill you in one blow.

After having done this, I promise that there is no chance that I will ever play 11 gremlins again. It was way too much of a pain to have to juggle them around.

Quite frankly, I`m not even sure if anyone wants me to play again... I`ve seen quite a few disparaging remarks made about my gremlins and my intentions that I really don`t appreciate.

SO I guess what I need is to hear whether I`m in or out? Please respond because I don`t want to play with a bunch of people who hate me, and will exclude me from challenges based on this.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th March 2006, 20:35

RE: Apology/Explanation

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th March 2006, 21:34

Keep all the grems and I for one will never challenge you.

What`s the point, seeing as you use all your challenges for your own grems.

RE: Apology/Explanation

KISS (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th March 2006, 22:44

its as Real ale monster said, if you have 11 gremlins, you use all ten challenges for your own gremlins >:( . Some of the people around here choose to use thier challenges against people who have challenged them, so if you haven`t challenged anybody your more than likely not to get any challenges back.

You have been the victum of your own doings.

no one is stopping you from having 11 (OMG) gremlins, just share the wealth around and try to help other people and not just your self.....

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th March 2006, 23:46

RE: Apology/Explanation

Mr. Thang (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th March 2006, 00:05

You obviously did not read what I had said:

After having done this, I promise that there is no chance that I will ever play 11 gremlins again. It was way too much of a pain to have to juggle them around.

No one has answered my direct question: Am I In or Out? I will bow out and not play anymore if I am ruining this game (it is just that, you know) for everyone, which was not my intention at all.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 29th March 2006, 01:08

RE: Apology/Explanation

KISS (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th March 2006, 05:16

You obviously did not read what I had said

No we didn`t, we posted blindly. (:¦

Now if you read what Real ale and I said, it was`nt all bad....

Real Ale said ditch a few gremos and he will challenge you, and i said share your challenges around and you will get challenged back.....

RE: Apology/Explanation

Real Ale Monster (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th March 2006, 06:16

I read EXACTLY what you wrote.

And every comment I made I stand by.

Each of your grems has been missing out on 2 fights a day because of your tactics, yes I have 2 Grems - that I try to keep apart in the tables if possible.

RE: Apology/Explanation

Mr. Thang (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th March 2006, 15:44

You have my apologies for the misunderstanding, and yes, I definitely will be ditching quite a few of those beasties... I just don`t want to get rid of them to not get anywhere again... This game can be fun but so annoying when no one is challenging.

RE: Apology/Explanation

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th March 2006, 20:47

I just don`t want to get rid of them to not get anywhere again...

You did not need to have multiple Gremlins to get anywhere, nor did you have to buy lots of extra days. The eggman - with Smelkus the Hedgehog Rotater and my Ceylon Imp got into the top 10 of the all time league with no extra days bought and no `extra` gremlin helpers. Awf`ly Wee Willy Bigchin owned by FV102~Striker and Mister Spoon the cartoon loon! owned by PhilPhrenzy had days bought but they only played one gremlin at a time and they both did very well. Grunfuttock the Good did very well and he lost 3-4 days fighting! Keg Beer`s two gremlins did very well too - I think with some days bought.
As far as I can remember up until very recently the top 10 grems were owned by 7 different people - now they are owed by 2. Can you see why some people are a tiny bit miffed?

RE: Apology/Explanation

Mr. Thang (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th March 2006, 22:55

Yes, I can see why some people would be a bit miffed, and that is precisely why I had decided to come out and apologize. I don`t want there to be hard feelings, but I`m almost afraid that it is inevitable. Again, I offer my sincerest apologies, but I fear that they are falling upon deaf ears...

RE: Apology/Explanation

Crackerjackjoe (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th March 2006, 11:27

If they were falling on deaf ears where have all the responses come from ? ;)

It`s inevitable if you come out and admit who you are and what you were doing then you will get responses. All these people have been sat at their PCs whingeing at the screen, you`ve given them someone to direct their frustrations at so I`m afraid you have to accept them. I don`t think there are any hard feelings just lots of frustrated Gremlin Fighters. The only way of knowing for sure is to come back with one or two and see what reaction you get.
As you said earlier, it`s only a game, but fair play and competitiveness are parts of any game so you`ve got to expect fevers to run high when people feel hard done by.

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