Page 1 of Haus H-100L-S Hack Required

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Haus H-100L-S Hack Required

ANDYFANCOURT (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th August 2002, 20:38

Haus H-100L-S, does anybody have a hack for this type of player please......

RE: Haus H-100L-S Hack Required

Sconie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th August 2002, 22:01

I see you got stung by jungle.con as well as me, i`ll post a hack as soon as I find one.

RE: Haus H-100L-S Hack Required

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th August 2002, 22:58

I think you`ll find it`s the same hack as the Zenix :

Region hack :

Press Stop Twice, then setup, followed by Vol+ Vol- Vol+ Vol- in quick succesion.

Ver# Should now be displayed, use left/right cursor to pick region or press 255 for multi.

Press Setup

Macro hack :

In stop mode

press setup

press volume + volume - Volume + volume - in sequence

press up arrow untill you see 4001

press left arrow to change this to 4000

RE: Haus H-100L-S Hack Required

iecuk (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th August 2002, 10:43

The following region hack is confirmed as working for the Haus H-100L-S, I will get back to you if/when I turn up a macrovision hack:

"With the player empty, press on the remote: "Stop", then "2", "3", "1", "7" in sequence - each number will appear in the top left of the screen. Then enter the region you want, e.g. "2" for Europe, "1" for North America, etc - or "0" for multiregion. Power the player off, and when you switch on again, it will be set to the region you chose - for good (or until you change it again). As I said, nothing comes up on screen to confirm this, so you wouldn`t know unless you try.

I only found out that it worked by setting the player to region 1 and loading a region 2 disc - it instantly flagged it as an invalid region."



RE: Haus H-100L-S Hack Required

iecuk (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th August 2002, 18:48

Here`s the Macrovision Fix (also confirmed):

"1. Press "STOP` button twice
2. Press number button in squence as "7","9","2","8"
and "0" to turn OFF
Marcovision protection off


3. Press number button in squence as "7","9","2","8"
and "1" to turn on
Marcovision protection ON"



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