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apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

Al-S (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 24th August 2002, 19:20

it says alot on the box but its it a good system and will it play CDR disks. are there any hacks this and also multi - region? hope someone can help



RE: apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

spike_dude (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 25th August 2002, 16:54

I was also considering buying this DVD player. In fact, I almost did on Saturday! Until I went down to ASDA with cash in hand and saw a sign basically telling you that it DOES NOT play VCD`s! Which is highly unusual since it allegedly plays SVCD`s... Anyhoo, you can get a bit more info from;

And, if anyone can tell me if it actually DOES play VCD`s, then I`ll be very happy! And £70 poorer! :-D

Thanks, spike_dude

RE: apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

barralad (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 26th August 2002, 22:50

Hi Al,

I bought one a couple of weeks ago, on the assumption it would play VCD`s etc. Glad to say it payed off ;-)

It has played 2 cd movies I burnt myself with Nero on the VCD format, and also another movie on SVC.

It did however not want to play disc 2, But played 1-3 of a SVCD I borrowed off a mate!?, more than likely a fault with the disc rather than the machine. I highly recommend it as a DVD player, it also has a lot of good features found on a lot higher priced machines.

Hope this helps Barra.......

P.S. still looking for a multi-region hack if anyone out there knows of one, Cheers.....

RE: apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

Al-S (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 26th August 2002, 23:40

Hi Barra

On my way out to get on NOW.thanks for your help. will let you know if i get a multi-region hack.Mates got one but won`t play vcd`s that are not burn`d with Nero. hope this helps. should be ok with RW disks too


This item was edited on Monday, 26th August 2002, 23:45

RE: apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

Al-S (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 26th August 2002, 23:42

Hi Spike

got a message for " Barra " you should have a read at it. you will like ! ! ! !


RE: apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

tigga91 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th August 2002, 20:42

I have recently purchased an APEX Dvd Player AD-1100WB from ASDA and it won`t play VCD`S and i had read you message that you have posted saying that your did play VCD`S please could you tell me how you did that. Plus if anyone knows of a Multi Region hack please could you let me know my email address is: nek[at]moc.yagyam

RE: apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

barralad (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th August 2002, 23:48

Hi Tigga,

Basically depends what VCD you have tried? Was it a home done one, or a bought one?????

Home done ones have to be done correctly, if the file has been downloaded as a .avi file (the norm), burning using nero as a VCD, you shouldn`t have a problem, because nero will convert and encode the .avi to VCD.

If you are copying a DVD to VCD, it has to be done correctly using various hacks to rip the dvd (ie remove the copywrite), encode it, and join the audio/video files together, then finally burn it. Basically 4 pieces of software.

But back to your problem, it should play bought VCD`s no problem, because it will play VCD`d done on cd-r/cd-rw discs?

dop us a line if you need some more help, barra........

RE: apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th August 2002, 00:12

I can assure you that most UK Apex 1100 WB players will NOT play VCD, as Apex failed to pay the required VCD licence fee to Philips, and thus lost the rights to add that functionality to all players made after 15th April 2002.

Try for more info :-)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th August 2002, 00:13

RE: apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

thediceman (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 29th August 2002, 13:04

In a couple of weeks time Asda will be releasing a disk which enable your player to play VCD`s. if you phone 0500100055 and explain that you bought an Apex 1100WB they willl give you more info. At my local Asda I passed on my name and address and they said they will forward a disk on to me when they become available. One good point is the disk is free. The American version of the Apex 1100 (no `WB` on the name) can already play VCD`s. At the moment i have not been able to track down a region hack so if any body knows of one let us know if not I shall let you know when i find one.

RE: apex ad 1100-wb is it goob enought to buy?

thediceman (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 29th August 2002, 13:06

One thing I forgot to add is you can apparently get it to play VCD`s by extracting the .dat file and playing it in the same way as you would an mp3. I have yet to try this but i will let you know if this works.

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