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Page 1 of pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

Hack Help Forum

pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

ninja_geezer (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 5th September 2002, 18:28

hi all im lost with this one , i just bought a pacific 1002 from asda thought it would be a simple task to tap a few buttons on the remote and away we go, region free ? WRONG it don`t work following all the instructions on this site,
when it says make sure there is a region 2 dvd in the player do i wait for it to start the film or just to load or what ?
when i have finished pressing the buttons for the hack on the remote do i just eject the dvd out and put the region 1 in its place ?
all i get on the screen is WRONG REGION .......... what the f... am i doing wrong helppppppppppppppp please .
can someone please rewrite the instructions precisely for us dummy`s who cannot get it working ?
or is it that there are differing versions of this model some that can be hacked of some that cannot ???. thanks for being patient

RE: pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

sniper101 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th September 2002, 15:04

hiya m8, i`ve done this hack to 4 different players so far and it works fine............only thing i do different tho is just have the drawer open!!!!!!!!!!!!

>1. Press "setup"

>2. Press "1" for region 1 or press "2" for region "7" for bypass
>Region code.

>3. Press "PAUSE/STEP"

>4. Press "previous" (This is ¦<< )

>5. Press "next" (This is >>¦ )

>6. Press "setup"

u shouldn`t have any probs with it.

This item was edited on Friday, 6th September 2002, 15:05

RE: pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

meverett69 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th September 2002, 20:35

I didn`t have any probs either.It worked first time.
Although you do not see any hidden menus whilst going through this procedure it does work.

RE: pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

ninja_geezer (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th September 2002, 23:00

thanks for that i`ve got it working now but none of the buttons on the player front work at all now ? is to do with the hack because they worked before i hacked it ??
i am getting it changed tomorrow just in case.
otherwise for the money its an awesome bit of kit, i have tried various vcd`s on it mp3 discs ,all sorts and it played them all with very good sound and picture too.
has anyone else found this to be the case??

RE: pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

images (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th September 2002, 23:35

Yes, I had exactly the same experience. - vide my earlier posting on this forum last month.
Quote RE: Pacific 1002 Multi Region Hack
posted by images on Tuesday, 6th August 2002, 20:47 Forum: Hack Help
"The hack certainly worked for me using the ¦<< & >>¦ keys on the RC

But see my earlier posting to ALT (who has not replied yet ).

" Hi ALT

" As I confirmed before the Hack certainly made the player multi region. BUT I have just found that none of the front panel buttons are working.
Restored the settings to Region 2 only, incase this was a factor but situation unchanged.

" Is this just a coincidence and I have a hardware fault somewhere or is it related to the `hack` ?
Would be obliged if you could check your player and tell me your experience.
Images "

The reply was that ALT`s machine was unaffected but this does seem to be rather a strange coincidence.

Has anyone else found this ??

RE: pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

ninja_geezer (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 7th September 2002, 18:02

right just got in with new pacific 1002, checked all the front panel buttons they work fine. put the region hack in that works fine , check the buttons again and they still work fine ???
does that mean the first player was faulty ??
the buttons on that first player definately worked when i first tried them ?
thats why i thought doing the region hack caused it , maybe not then, because i put the first player back to region 2 and the buttons would still not work ?
hope this is of some use .

RE: pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

images (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th September 2002, 20:03

Strange! It seems that for both of us the buttons failed after a short time.
I had a look inside and could see no obvious loose wire and presumed it was a firmware problem. Took it back and got a refund.
As you say the machine otherwise worked well and played mini DVD at a high datarate without any problem.The Board looked like a Sampo clone but mounted upsidedown to overlap the loader and save space.This limited the visual inspection - done with a mirror.

RE: pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th September 2002, 23:43

I`ve seen one up close, but not the insides of the player. It certainly doesn`t resemble any Sampo player I know of, and the only player with an upside down loader is the Sampo DVE612.

Did you get any pictures of the player ? If not, it may be handy to have a look at some shots, particularly of the processor board (the green one) which will tell me whether it`s a Sampo or not.

e-mail me at styalc[at]moc.054aera

RE: pacific 1002 region won`t work with all ?

Chuckey (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 09:02

Hack works & Buttons work all tested here
Chuckey :-)

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