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Will Enhanced regional coding mess up my life!

waytony (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 20th January 2001, 16:28

OK i have a Grundig GDV210 which is made multi region with the old 0123 hack. Now does anyone know if it will or will not be able to play the enhanced region one dvds. If not is there any way i can make it work.
Please help me.

RE: Will Enhanced regional coding mess up my life!

parky (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 21st January 2001, 07:21

If you can manually select individual regions then RCE won`t affect you, BUT if your dvd is set to bypass region coding then you have a problem....

RE: Will Enhanced regional coding mess up my life!

Steve - (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 21st January 2001, 09:49

Not necessarily true .. many auto modes work just fine with RCE


RE: Will Enhanced regional coding mess up my life!

waytony (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd January 2001, 13:28

Thaks for the replies. My freind is loning me a R1 copy of Hollow Man tonight, so i will tell you if it worked or not.

RE: Will Enhanced regional coding mess up my life!

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 22nd January 2001, 22:31

My Sony 725 Auto and Manual region (Techtronics Standard Mod, the one thats now changed to the Enterprise mod) plays RCE discs in all modes

My Oritron 600 plays RCE in both manual and region bypass mode (the mode that RCE is meant to target)

RE: Will Enhanced regional coding mess up my life!

waytony (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st February 2001, 13:16

Ok i tried Hollow Man on my Grundig and it worked just fine so i assume that all Enhanced R1 discs will work. But you know what they say about assumptions being the mother of all fu.................

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