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Page 1 of Multi Region Hack Page (One for Robert John Shepherd)

Hack Help Forum

Multi Region Hack Page (One for Robert John Shepherd)

girders (Competent) posted this on Friday, 14th December 2001, 10:50

Wasn`t sure whether to post this in general or here, so decided that it was more relevant for here!

On the all hackable players pages there`s now 19 pages worth of players. I use the pages quite often, helping mates hack their players. But a bit of guess works usually`s a Hitachi, let`s try starting at page 6 and then working backwards or forwards.

Would it be possible to link by letter of the alphabet, rather than page number? Would make things simpler for us poor sods!


(we`re never happy ;-))

RE: Multi Region Hack Page (One for Robert John Shepherd)

Lostboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 15th December 2001, 01:10

HEY whoever you are!

I`m not DVDREVIER staff but I have my own view on what you say!

What you say sounds great BUT there is on average 5 maybe 7 threads per page? so what happens when your hitachi player and haus get too much for the "H" page? do we have 2 "H" pages?

I think it`s OK the way it is, But that`s just my view.

good will and peace to all


RE: Multi Region Hack Page (One for Robert John Shepherd)

Stevie_B (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 23:28

You have a Hau - Hit bit, then Hj - whatever. It`s easy enough. Could get a bit long winded mind. I`ve thought about the numbers needing a bit of a re-think. Still, you have to be entirely grateful that site`s like this exist, otherwise we`d be buggered. Hey-ho.

Right, ho-ho-ho and a meeeeeeerry Christmas to everybody.


RE: Multi Region Hack Page (One for Robert John Shepherd)

girders (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th December 2001, 03:26


That`s exactly what I had in mind...or even just multiple H`s if that was was easier to script with a new letter forcing a new page. That way you`d have a 1 in 2 or 3 or 4 chance of hitting the right page. Mind you, knowing my luck I`d still pick the wrong one ;-)

Completely agree about being thankful the pages exist! Otherwise we`d be at the mercies of the search engines everytime we needed a hack <shudder>. Like that Lidl (or was it Aldi?) player where the only place (before it was posted in the forums) I could get the hack was a German page. My knowledge of German stops at `I am 15 years old` and `A beer, please`, so I had to rely on a ropey Google translation!!


(who is no longer 15, but doesn`t know any other German numbers)

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