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Page 1 of LG 4710

Hack Help Forum

LG 4710

paul.hillier (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 11:11

Does anyone know if there is a region hack for this DVD player? I can`t find one anywhere. Also, can it play VCD`s??

RE: LG 4710

wonder (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 14:59

Multi-region Remote Hack
Reports confirm that this hack works with the following LG players; DVD-2330P, DVD-3000E, DVD-3350/1/E/C (and clones), DA-3520, DVD-4210, DVD-4710, DVD-4730, DVD-4750, DVD-4830, DVD-4950.
It has been reported that this hack will work with the more recent version of the LG DVD-3200E but not on the earlier version running firmware 1.0.
You can perform this hack as many times as you want and the currently selected Region will stick until you change it again. Only a very long power cut may cause the player to revert to the factory default setting of Region 2 (in which case just perform the hack again).
An odd quirk of this hack is that even when you specifically set the player to Region 1 only, it will still play discs from Region 2! This is actually quite useful if your collection consists of some RCE protected Region 1 titles and also Region 2 discs which do not (normally) have RCE.
If you are having trouble getting the hack to work, try pressing
Power on the player with no disk in the drive
Press "PAUSE" on the remote
Enter "3 1 4 1 5 9" on the remote (the word COdE appears on the display)

Enter "0" on the remote (0 = All Regions, 1 = Region 1, 2 = Region 2, etc.)
Press "PAUSE" on the remote
Power the player off and then back on
If you are having trouble getting the hack to work, try pressing "STOP" on the remote before you press "PAUSE" for the first time.

RE: LG 4710

just mark (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th January 2002, 12:28

I have used this hack to unlock my DVD player its works fine except one problem region 1 DVD`s are playing in black and white....

Is there any reason for this and can it be corrected?

Can anyone please help

RE: LG 4710

HM (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th January 2002, 17:08

@just mark
It does probably not convert the NTSC signal until PAL, quite common.
So if your TV can only handle the 50Hz PAL signal, you`ll get this result.
This reminds me of a Hitachi TV, I once owned, it could take the NTSC signals only on AV1, not on AV2. If you`ve got severeal AV-inputs on your TV, check out if one of them might be able to "swallow" the NTSC signal.

Good luck!

RE: LG 4710

delwing (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th January 2002, 19:50

i hacked a freinds dvd which is the same and it plays in black and white but if u changr ur scarts about it should work his did

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