Page 1 of PROLINE LVD1580WD
Hack Help Forum
I have been to every website known to man and cannot find a hack code for the Proline LVD1580WD. Does anyone have one? I would be REALLY grateful.
Seeing as you asked over a year ago now, this probably comes much to late for you. After buying this old TV on clearance this evening for a bargain price I attempted to find a multiregion code for it and couldn`t like yourself.....soooo....opened the unit up to see what integral parts it has.
It contains the same B.SP.DM1A DVD board as the Matsui LM15N5DVD, and I soon found the region hack works just the same as follows!
1: Switch on the DVD - without a DVD in it.
2: When "no disc" appears press the following sequence of numbers from the remote control: 9735
3: you will get a menu screen select the region you want from the region settings...
Choose the region (0 is universal)
4. exit setup