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Widescreen Tv`s and Sound Systems

BARNYARD (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 15th June 2002, 17:50

Does anyone know of any decent Widescreen Televisions for less than £300? and any CD Sound Systems for less than £200? If so where from? Thanks

RE: Widescreen Tv`s and Sound Systems

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th June 2002, 08:22

Crikey! You`re pushing the budget a bit, I`m afraid, particularly for a "name" brand. Makro could supply a Goodmans/Bush 28" WS for £235 odd (£199 + VAT). have a few just under the £300 mark, but I`d be tempted to consider the Philips 28PW6006 (NO CABINET) model for £319.96 - plus delivery, unfortunately. Have a look at too - the deliver free, so WYSIWYG.

CD Sound systems? What do you mean - a mini system? I don`t have much experience of these devices, but am fishing around for something for my parents at the moment - particularly if you don`t want cassette deck, then have a look on the Richer Sounds website - they have some of the TEAC stuff cheap, which gets well reviewed. Eg, TEAC Reference 100, £159. Leaves you some £££ for a pair of speakers. Or the Denon DM30, perhaps?

RE: Widescreen Tv`s and Sound Systems

BARNYARD (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 16th June 2002, 10:51

Yeah seen the Philips TV on empiredirect, looks a good deal, just under £300. Does anyone have one of these and if so are they any good?

RE: Widescreen Tv`s and Sound Systems

snoop (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 00:31

what id do mate is go to a good newsagents and buy "what television" .......
this would give you a list of every t.v at what price and also a full review...
this way you will get the best one for the best will then see that the more expensive ones arent always the best....

RE: Widescreen Tv`s and Sound Systems

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 11:59

Just bought a cracking Daewoo 28" Pure Flatscreen TV from Asda - £299. Bargain (and with 3 year guarantee). They only seem to be available in the larger stores, so you might want to phone round first.


RE: Widescreen Tv`s and Sound Systems

tom-m (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 14:47

Look at, as Richard-H pointed out, they have an LG tv for £294 inc delivery. Haven`t heard anything about it, but LG stuff is usually pretty decent.


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