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Quality of region 1 on a dvd player

GrannyGruntbucket (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 20:12

I am new to dvd`s, and am awaiting delivery of a multiregion dvd player.
Can someone please answer a question?

If I play a region 1 dvd which is in NTSC, on my multiregion player, will the on screen quality be the same as watching a PAL dvd?

My tv is capable of handling NTSC.



RE: Quality of region 1 on a dvd player

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 22:42

Depending on the size of TV is main factor here. NTSC runs at 30 frames per second, but films are shot at 24 frames a second. This means the picture will be a bit jerky. Also, the resolution is lower in NTSC.

You are best staying with PAL as the picture quality is better (or it should be, bad transfers aside). So, NTSC will be slightly inferior to PAL, but some people don`t notice it.

RE: Quality of region 1 on a dvd player

Geezer1 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 23:13

My tv is pretty big and i dont really notice a lot of difference there is some but its minimal, id rather get the discs sonner than wait for region two

RE: Quality of region 1 on a dvd player

GrannyGruntbucket (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 23:52

I have a 28 inch widescreen.


RE: Quality of region 1 on a dvd player

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd August 2002, 12:24

You shouldn`t be bothered too much then.

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