Page 1 of Wanted New sc2000 Firmware

Hardware Forum

Wanted New sc2000 Firmware

PSXmad2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 20:43

Hi all
Could somebody pleased email the new version to me. Thanks.


RE: Wanted New sc2000 Firmware

PSXmad2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 21:49

Thanks Dave, Firmware recieved.

RE: Wanted New sc2000 Firmware

Nexstar (Competent) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 23:24

Tony, just in case I get inundated with firmware, could I trouble you to email it to me at niwdoogg[at]moc.tenretnitb

Many thanks.


RE: Wanted New sc2000 Firmware

Python (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 19:25

If anybody has the 215 firmware released on dec 1st batch please send it to me.



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