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Hardware Forum

REgion 2 hack?

Paul Steel (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 20th October 2002, 17:53


I`ve bought a R2 DVD which a friend in the states would like to borrow.
As they are region 1, do the yank machines have a hack the same as our european machines do?, or ar they stuck with region 1?

RE: REgion 2 hack?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th October 2002, 18:01

Depends on the brand - some of the budget end players (eg Apex, Malata, Daewoo, Shinco, Sampo) are usually easily hacked.

As for top-end players (eg your Sony or Pioneers, etc) they remain as stubborn as their European counterparts in terms of user hackability.

RE: REgion 2 hack?

Paul Steel (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st October 2002, 13:27

Uh Uh,

His is a JVC mdl XV-SA75

RE: REgion 2 hack?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st October 2002, 18:12

Not looking good is it ?

Tell him to buy a Sampo DVE612 from - only $90 and easy to region hack :-)

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