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Hardware Forum

DVD Recorder - Any suggestions?

Metaphysical (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 16th November 2002, 02:16

I`m looking at buying either the Panasonic E30 or Philips 890. One uses DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM the other uses DVD+R/DVD+RW. I have a digital camcorder and over 100 DVD films. Any suggestions as to which is best or a few site that have reviews?

RE: DVD Recorder - Any suggestions?

Gary Sumsion (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 17th November 2002, 07:04

buy the 890 it is excellent, great picture and sound easy to use and very good value £469 richer sounds.

ps. Every magazine seems to rate it as the Best Buy !!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 17th November 2002, 07:07

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