Info and forum posts by 'Metaphysical'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 12th November 2002, 10:15, Last used: Tuesday, 12th November 2002, 10:15

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 24 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

DVD Players at Asda?

What DVD players are available from Asda now?
Last time I had chance to look it was just the Pacific 1002.

Best Budget DVD Player (DVD-R & VCD compatible)

Can anyone help to suggest a decent budget DVD player that is 100% compatible with DVD-R`s and VCD`s?
I would prefer something under £80.

Which DVD-R brands play on the Pacific 1002

I have tried a TDK DVD-R on the Pacific 1002, but it wouldn`t load the menu (took me over 3 hours to record the DVD!!). Are there any brands that definitely work?

RE: Too Many Remote Controls!!!!!!!

A learning remote.....
basically it just copies the signal of each button from your remote controls (play, pause, volume etc..) and then stores them in its memory. Making a duplicate remote really!

It can copy more or less any remote that uses Infra Red to send the signal to the device.

Unlike other remotes you don`t have to enter any codes for your tv, video etc.

RE: Too Many Remote Controls!!!!!!!

One way to go is to get a learning remote. There are some on the lektropacks web site:

RE: DVD-RAM Player?

The S35 does look like the cheapest, but I hear that it doesn`t have seamless play.

£3 RAM discs!! I`l search that one out!

DVD-RAM Player?

I have a Panasonic E50 Recorder adn want to record my DVD-RAM disc`s to DVD-R. The cheapest way I can see of doing this is buying a DVD-RAM player and then hooking it up to my Pan E50.

Any suggestions for a cheap DVD player than can playback DVD-RAM disc`s?

RE: DVD Recording Format Clarification

DVD-RAM is very versatile (with editing and timeslip), but is not compatible with many DVD players at all. - Multiple use!

DVD-R is very compatible with DVD players (between 85% and 95%). - Single use!

DVD+R is also very compatible with DVD players (between 80% and 90%). - Single use!

DVD+RW is fairly compatible with other DVD players (between 70% and 80%). - Multiple use!

I think that if DVD+R comes out on top the DVD-R will always be supported. As for other DVD+ records, well there is the new Sony one coming out soon and I think there is a Yamaha one out too.

No matter what way you go (+ or -) it might be a good idea to get a unit with a hard disk in it as you can then record from -RAM/+RW to hard disk and then back to +/-R.

RE: DVD backups

What DVD`s are you trying to backup?
If they are pre-recorded ones then there is a normaly some sort of copy protection (not macrovision, but something else).

RE: panasonic DMR-E50 set up

How is it connected? (Scart I assume. Sky>Pan E50>TV).
Might be a silly thing, but have you checked on your AV channels (3 of them)?

Otherwise it might be to do with the setting in teh connection menu (AV1/AV2 Settings under Setup>Connections), you may need to change the input type.

RE: Will DVD recorders record pre-purchased films from VHS ?

As long as Macrovision is disabled, then it will recored pre-recorded VHS to DVD.

Have a look on at the recordable DVD players and you should get a bit more info there.

RE: Phillips DVD 890 Writer

I used to have a Philips 890 DVD recorder. I had the `disc error` come up a few times. As far as I could tell it was because the recording mode was set too high. I only found this with the Intenso make of DVD+R. I had to recorder at LP or EP quality (low quality).

Makes of DVD+R that worked for me were TDK, Vertabim, Maxell & CloneDisc.

Soon after that error I then got a `No disc` error for all pre-recorded DVD`s. I eneded up taking it back and getting a full refund. Now I have a Panasonic E50 and am well pleased!!

RE: where cheapest for a e50 panasonic dvd recorder?

You can also get the Pan E50 from - - for about £340 (not multiregion), could help you save £10. Don`t think they do intrest free though. A semi full list of places to buy is here:

RE: where cheapest for a e50 panasonic dvd recorder?

One option is to sign up for a credit card that is doing a special `0% interest for 6 months` (or longer) and then buy it using that card. 8-)

Philips DVD Recorder Problems!

OK it is evident that various models of Philips DVD recorders have problems with reading pre-recorded DVD`s (displaying `No Disc`). Some people have had no problems, others have had no end of hassle. If there was any major problems (as in every set was affected) with the sets I am sure it would have been written about in various magazines by now!

All in all I still like the Philips DVD recorders over the rest (and the +R/RW format), but have been wondering about other peoples experiences.

Just how many people have had a replacement Philips DVD recorder or a repaired one that is still working OK?

Which DVD Recorder Works!?

I have a Philips DVD R890 Recorder, but have been told that there are problems with all of these sets (an possible all other Philips DVD recorders). So now I am looking into another make.

Anyone had experience (good, bad or other!) with the Yamaha DRX-1 or Panasonic E-50?

RE: Pal60 Help

I had the same problem with my dvd player a while ago, before upgrading to a new TV and then a DVD recorder - which is now faulty :(

Check the options on your DVD player to see if you can alter any settings in there to help. Otherwise there should be some sort of converter available.

You could try places like Keene Electronics ( or Letropacks ( as they usually have all sorts of converters.

RE: Philips DVDR890 Nightmare

Is there a bad batch of Philips DVD890 machines around?

I`ve had mine for under 5 months and am now having problems reading pre-recorded DVD`s (getting the message `No Disc`), and also recording of some DVD +R and +RW`s (will only record if set to EP or EP+).

I got mine from Richer Sounds and will be taking it back and trying to get a replacement or my money back. Maybe it`s worthwhile waiting for a better DVD recorder to come along!

RE: Any dvd/vhs combi`s play dvd+rw discs?

I have a Philips DVDR890 and I have recorded on a DVD+RW and played it back on a Sharp dvd/vhs combi player without any problems. Not sure of the model number, but it has two displays (one orange and one green) with a central orange dvd/vhs button. I have heard that DVD+RW`s are compatible of a lot more makes of dvd players than is led to believe.

Connecting Philips 890 DVD Recorder to a PC

Does anyone know if it is possible to connect a PC to the Philips DVDR890 using the i-link socket on the front of the 890 and a Firewire socket on the PC. For recording PC edited film or pictures onto DVD.

Or does anyone know where I can find some information about doing this?

DVD Recorder - Any suggestions?

I`m looking at buying either the Panasonic E30 or Philips 890. One uses DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM the other uses DVD+R/DVD+RW. I have a digital camcorder and over 100 DVD films. Any suggestions as to which is best or a few site that have reviews?

Yet another - Which player is best?

Simple questions!
In your opinion which is the best DVD player and why?

Bush 2023
Dansai 1010
Dansai 955
Alba 114

I know that they can all be hacked in one way or another, so that`s not an issue. But which is best for quality (build, picture, sounds etc..)?