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New DVD player or not ????

Andy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th December 2002, 22:35

Ok I currently have a Pioneer 636 in which I have had for about 2 years now and I seem to notic the layer change on it. For how long I dont know. But It started to get on my nerve as the film freeze for a sec when it change it layer. I am sure all dvd players do layer change and I am sure there some dvd player out there that you never notice it done a layer change. If so which ones if anyone knows. I been told Sony are good at this.

Any suggestions

RE: New DVD player or not ????

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th December 2002, 08:15

IMHO once you notice the layer change, you are looking for it all the time, so it wouldn`t make a difference what player you had you would still look for the layer change.

RE: New DVD player or not ????

Andy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 9th December 2002, 09:43

Hi, Thanks for your comment and I am sure your right regarding this matter, i just though there may of been a player that does the layer change very very fast without noticinig it?

RE: New DVD player or not ????

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th December 2002, 10:03

I`ve got a Sony 735 & 700 both are really quick at the layer change, but you still notice it. Hope this helps?

RE: New DVD player or not ????

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th December 2002, 10:47

I used to have an LG3200E and never noticed the layer change. Now I have a Sony NS400 and the layer change is sooooo sloooooow. Like 1-2 seconds on some discs. I have also read on a couple of websites that this model is slow at changes. Much better picture and sound though and a nicer player overall so it is tolerable. Luckily most films have the layer change at a scene change which also helps.

RE: New DVD player or not ????

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th December 2002, 11:01

The pioneer 636 is supposed to be a very fast player so I doubt getting a new player will make much of a difference.

RE: New DVD player or not ????

Andy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 9th December 2002, 11:11

Thanks you all for all the comments.

Yes I though the pioneer 636 was surpose to fast hence the reason why i bough it at the time.

Any other comments before I decide what to do.


RE: New DVD player or not ????

chewie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th December 2002, 14:52

If you are happy your player, don`t change a thing. Just learn to live with the layer change. This is probably the only down side that DVD has next to VHS. And really, is it all that annoying. I first noticed the layer change a week after I got my player. But I got used to it very quickly. I still look for layer changes, or should I say I still notice them, but it doesn`t bother me one bit.

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