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Philips DVDR 880 and recording in Widescreen

John72 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 28th December 2002, 00:25


Just got a Philips DVDR 880 recorder for Christmas and it works fine.

Only one problem, recording in widescreen! If I record a widscreen programe, all it does on play back is sqash the picture aso it is a 4:3 picture. Can anyone tell me how to get it so that it will record the picture in a 16:9 format rather than a 4:3 format?

Thanks in advance, happy new year to all, John.

RE: Philips DVDR 880 and recording in Widescreen

gadget freak (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th December 2002, 20:25

Have you set the dvd recorder to widescreen?
See page 67 in the manual.
Hope this helps.
gadget freak.

RE: Philips DVDR 880 and recording in Widescreen

John72 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 29th December 2002, 02:18


Thankyou for your reply, the recorder is set to widescreen, it`s just when I try to play the discs back in my computer, it trys playing them back as a normal 4:3 picture. The computer is set to 4:3 Letterbox, so I take it the recorder is recording the value 4:3 in the VIDIEO_TS.ifo file insted of 16:9.

I have checked this out using a progame called "infoedit" and I can conferm it.

So does anyone know of a way around this?

Thanks in advance, John.

RE: Philips DVDR 880 and recording in Widescreen

numskull (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 29th December 2002, 11:20


Confused here! Is the problem with playing back on your WS TV (I assume you have a WS TV?) just your computer or both? I have an 890. I have it set to 16.9 because I have a 16.9 Philips WS TV. If I record a true WS film or programme, say from Sky on Premier WS, then the film plays back on the PC as a WS film. Must other broadcasts are, I believe, not true WS, but the WS TV sorts out the ratios when it is played back. I don`t think you actually have a problem here. Give this site a look - and perhaps ask your question there.... I seem to remember a thread on this a while back.

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