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Help - Lennox & Amp/Receiver

Kyzer (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th January 2003, 10:03

I am having problems trying to connect my Lennox DVD to my Sony str db940 receiver. I don`t really want to put the speakers through thhe dvd, as I spent enough on the receiver. I also have a psb sub & tannoy centre. Any advice would be most appreciated.

RE: Help - Lennox & Amp/Receiver

Kevin Fairhurst (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th January 2003, 15:19

Am I right in understanding that you want to output from your Lenoxx DVD player to the Sony amp/reciever? If so, what is the problem? You should just be able to connect the two together, making sure you connect the cables to the correct output on the DVD player and input on the amp!


RE: Help - Lennox & Amp/Receiver

Kyzer (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th January 2003, 17:00


Thanks for your reply. I do indeed wish to put all the output sound through the amp. I have tried using the audio out from the dvd to amp, but that did`nt seem to work. I seem to only get any type of sound either through my tv or from the sky + box. I have tried everthing today. Maybe I am overlooking something obvious. If you have any suggestions it would be most appreciated, either that or I take the dvd back, but I don`t really want to do that. It must be compatible with an amp ( although there is no mention of it in the user manual ).


RE: Help - Lennox & Amp/Receiver

kevint (Competent) posted this on Monday, 13th January 2003, 18:59

Err are we talking the HT500 here as I don`t think that it has any digital output connectors. You should be able to get sound through your Sony receiver by setting the speakers on the HT500 to downmix -> LT/RT, but this will only be in Dolby Pro Logic and so you will be losing out on both counts (ie neither DD/DTS 5.1 from the HT500 or your Sony). If you want DD/DTS via your Sony I think you will need to buy a standalone player.

RE: Help - Lennox & Amp/Receiver

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 13th January 2003, 19:55

Yep, if you have no digital outputs, you`re stuck with Pro Logic.

Why not just get a stand-alone player, something the quality of the Lenoxx one would be fairly cheap I would imagine, maybe around £80-£100?

RE: Help - Lennox & Amp/Receiver

Kevin Fairhurst (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 09:46


As I think has already been said, you need to tell the HT500 not to use it`s own speakers and to instead "downmix" the sound to the left and right output channel. That way you`ll get your stereo sound through the Sony amp.

However, I think the Lenoxx is a bad buy if you`re going to be putting it through another amp, and you may be better returning it for a refund and getting something else! The Lenoxx is great as a cheap all-in home cinema system, but the DVD player hasn`t really been designed to output to other systems.


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