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why wont dvd-r play on cyberhome 528?

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th May 2003, 19:44

tried different makes etc but wont play on my m8s 528?

RE: why wont dvd-r play on cyberhome 528?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 08:23

What software are you using to author and write them?

A good test is to use DVD Decrypter to do a 1:1 (ISO mode) copy of a legit movie DVD (a single layer one of course). Test the original on your mate`s player beforehand to make sure it works properly.

If the copy doesn`t play, you can probably blame the makes of disc you`re using, or the player itself.

If it *does* play, then you can blame your software for the fact that your previous DVD-Rs didn`t work.


RE: why wont dvd-r play on cyberhome 528?

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 19:29

used ner o express and prassi tried different brands as well :-( must be player itself bit iffy

RE: why wont dvd-r play on cyberhome 528?

Occean (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 20:59

Thats unlucky :o(

You must have one of the very small percentage that is not compatiable.

RE: why wont dvd-r play on cyberhome 528?

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th May 2003, 14:33


hop along to and chect out the tutorials for replacing the dvd drives, they are a standard IDE loader and pioneer ones (around £30) work a treat!!!

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Dan...The CyberHome Man

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