Page 1 of How good is the recording from a panny E 50

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How good is the recording from a panny E 50

motty (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 29th July 2003, 23:57

I just played my dad a program i got called threads on my dvd player,he thought the quality was not bad and then i showed him blade 2 and he thought it was great.It was his first time watching a dvd and he asked me about dvd recorders.

He wants one because he loves his gadjets and he does alot of taping off the telly.

How much difference in quality is there between a vhs recording and a dvd recording.

I want one for myself as well and the panny looks sweet for 278 quid.Also i have dvd ram burner which is nice.

So on a scale of 1 to 10 whats the difference.

RE: How good is the recording from a panny E 50

Eternaldark (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th July 2003, 04:11

I have the panasonic DMR-HS2 which is the e50 with built in HD and have to say the recording quality is excellent in XP and SP modes, the quality is far better than vhs i have to say

RE: How good is the recording from a panny E 50

Paull (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th July 2003, 10:13

I have the Panasonic E-50 & I would agree with `Eternaldark` the picture is excelent. For most programmes that I watch & wipe I use LP. This is better than VHS even on my 36" TV. Very Very Happy with the results.

RE: How good is the recording from a panny E 50

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th July 2003, 12:40

The quality of both the Panasonic and Philips recording systems in LP mode exceed even that of S-VHS IMHO. Remember too that DVD will record in RGB (from Sky or Freeview) and play it back to an RGB enabled Scart socket on the TV.


RE: How good is the recording from a panny E 50

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th July 2003, 14:16

Explain the connection procedure for SKY and an E50.
Mine is due any day.
I presume SKY to E50 by scart, then scart from E50 to RGB on TV ?
Or other way around ?
Any `interference` issues by looping through either bit of kit ?

RE: How good is the recording from a panny E 50

mistralcustom (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th July 2003, 15:16

Just done mine by scart and yes as above but also scart from sky to television as well , so both sky and dvd connect to telly and then sky to dvd as well.
I also managed to squeeze a video link in as well but had to use a Rf areial socket.
The whole system works well.
I also invested a while ago in some decent scart leads if you feel like it.

RE: How good is the recording from a panny E 50

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th July 2003, 15:54

Ah ok
So I will keep SKY (RGB) to my one and only RGB socket,AV1
Then I`ll have to tell the E50 to send an S-VHS picture down the scart to my AV2.
Fair enough.

RE: How good is the recording from a panny E 50

mistralcustom (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd August 2003, 07:23

Bowf how did you get on was up till 2 am trying to set mine up . lol
let me know how you are doing

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