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dvdr discs

mabel (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 10th September 2003, 14:22

I want to transfer VHS tapes onto disc. Can anyone recommend any brand of DVDR discs there seems to be loads to chose from. I have a panasonic 50 DVD recorder and I was going to use the DVDR discs as they are cheaper than the DVD ram discs.

RE: dvdr discs

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th September 2003, 17:49

dvdram discs m8 will only playback on a dvd player that supports it only a couple do dvd-r discs u cant go wrong with traxdata and datawrite i find that the ritek dark purple dye are more compatible with more different dvd players but rember these are a write only format

RE: dvdr discs

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th September 2003, 19:20

I have the E50 as well and Traxdata at 99p each and Nan-ya at 79p each work fine.

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