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what does everone think of the BUSH 2004? is it anygood?

Sammy Valtino (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th February 2001, 18:54

for a 180 quid with built in 5.1 decoder, is the picture anygood? can it be hacked easliy? i wanna get a fairly good play as it will be my 3rd in the space of a week. had the LG3000e, but was`t hackable, then got the Samsung 511, hacked fine, just DVD drive was really loud. So is this player anygood or should i just pay the extra bit and get the LG 3350e?

i would get a DVD player from a mail order company and save a bit of money, but with my luck i ain`t gonna risk it!!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th February 2001, 18:55

RE: what does everone think of the BUSH 2004? is it anygood?

joe cool (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th February 2001, 02:54

i bought one of these a couple of months ago but returned it and got my money back because the drive was noisy and the picture was poor(loads of picture noise!)

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