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Hardware Forum

wharfedale M5

smithy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th March 2001, 15:29

does anyone know whether the new M5 dvd player from Wharfedale can be hacked to be multi-region and also can it be macro disabled?

iss the 750/750s macro disabled

thanks david

RE: wharfedale M5

gud1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th March 2001, 20:26

think the m5 is t/v set

RE: wharfedale M5

Chris Reay (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th March 2001, 06:53


You`re thinking of the M10 TV.

Smithy`s right the M5 is Wharfedales replacement for the 750S.

Smithy, I believe the M5`s too new yet to have a hack for multi-region as I don`t think anyones gotten there hands on one yet, I can`t find any references to it on Tesco`s or Wharfedales web sites although I`ve seen a couple of postings from other people saying that they`ve received replies to emails to Wharfedale, saying that it will again be sold through Tesco and should be around the £180 mark.

Someone also said you could place orders for it through tescodirect.

The 750/750S had to have a chip replacement to defeat macrovision, so I guess its possible the M5 will be similar.

Hope some of this is useful.



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