colonelgadget(Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 5th August 2004, 16:31
If i buy the above reorder with region free and RCE? already done on it, will I be able to use a smart scart lead to record,say ppv programs from sky? At £237 delivered is that the best bet for a dvdr around that price?
RE: Macro vision and Sony Rdr gx3
phelings(Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th August 2004, 22:04
Yes,although I would go for the KTVision one rather than Sonel
RE: Macro vision and Sony Rdr gx3
colonelgadget(Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th August 2004, 11:56
Can anyone tell me if there is any noticeable difference between the standard smart scart and the deluxe version?