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Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

Esmonde (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 19:27

I looked forward to replacing my old VHS recorder with a Mico R311 DVD recorder. But I`ve discovered a major drawback which I hope some members can suggest a solution to.

I was using the RCA audio/video in and the Scart In on my old Mitsubishi VHS and taking the RF out to a distribution amplifier. In this way my off-air TV, my Sky Digibox, and a third AV-in were transmitted through the Mitsubishi RF-out to TVs in two other rooms. All I had to do was select the correct Mitsubishi input and I had access to any of those three sources.

I assumed I could just replace the Mitsubishi VHS with a Mico DVD recorder and have the same flexibility, but with 21st century gear. However, I`ve discovered that the Mico does not output the Scart, External AV, or it`s own playback through the RF-out. The only thing that comes out the RF-out is the off-air TV. The rest goes out only though the Scart. Obviously Mico assumed that no-one would want low quality RF out.

So I need a solution that will allow me to send all the inputs of my Mico to a distribution amp.

I did try taking the TV/Scart Out of the Mico to the Scart In of the Mitsubishi and then took the TV Out Scart of the Mitsubishi to my TV. I thought that would work. Unfortunately, although I got a picture on the TV it soon began to roll horizontally and I could not stabilise it. I`m not techie enough to understand why, but I`m guessing that somewhere along the route it affects the picture sync information.

Sorry about the long-winded explanation, but I couldn`t find a way to explain it in less words.


RE: Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 19:41

I did try taking the TV/Scart Out of the Mico to the Scart In of the Mitsubishi and then took the TV Out Scart of the Mitsubishi to my TV. I thought that would work. Unfortunately, although I got a picture on the TV it soon began to roll horizontally and I could not stabilise it. I`m not techie enough to understand why, but I`m guessing that somewhere along the route it affects the picture sync information.

Thats the macrovision copy protection kicking in, a lead that strips out protection would seem to be in order. A search here should provide a few sources.

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 20:42

RE: Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

Esmonde (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 20:05

Thanks Rassilon63. Never even thought of that.

But would Macrovision be doing that even on external non-commercial AV sources, or non-commercial DVD+RW playback, or even my Sky Digibox BBC channels? I didn`t even try to play back commercial DVD`s via the Mitsubishi.

Still, if that`s the cause, then at least I have a solution.

RE: Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 20:23


I looked forward to replacing my old VHS recorder with a Mico R311 DVD recorder. But I`ve discovered a major drawback which I hope some members can suggest a solution to.

I was using the RCA audio/video in and the Scart In on my old Mitsubishi VHS and taking the RF out to a distribution amplifier. In this way my off-air TV, my Sky Digibox, and a third AV-in were transmitted through the Mitsubishi RF-out to TVs in two other rooms. All I had to do was select the correct Mitsubishi input and I had access to any of those three sources.

I assumed I could just replace the Mitsubishi VHS with a Mico DVD recorder and have the same flexibility, but with 21st century gear. However, I`ve discovered that the Mico does not output the Scart, External AV, or it`s own playback through the RF-out. The only thing that comes out the RF-out is the off-air TV. The rest goes out only though the Scart. Obviously Mico assumed that no-one would want low quality RF out.

So I need a solution that will allow me to send all the inputs of my Mico to a distribution amp.

I did try taking the TV/Scart Out of the Mico to the Scart In of the Mitsubishi and then took the TV Out Scart of the Mitsubishi to my TV. I thought that would work. Unfortunately, although I got a picture on the TV it soon began to roll horizontally and I could not stabilise it. I`m not techie enough to understand why, but I`m guessing that somewhere along the route it affects the picture sync information.

Sorry about the long-winded explanation, but I couldn`t find a way to explain it in less words.

I don`t know whether I`m misunderstanding you here, but the Mico I had would send it`s output via it`s scart output to anything you wanted-I had it running through a scart switching unit and that worked ok.

As for it`s RF connection-all DVD recorders are the same-the only reason there is an RF input/Output is to enable you to make off air recording-in other words, it just loops through your DVD

RE: Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 30th September 2004, 21:49

As for it`s RF connection-all DVD recorders are the same-the only reason there is an RF input/Output is to enable you to make off air recording-in other words, it just loops through your DVD

Nope, the Panny E50 routes a signal out of it`s RF, exactly the same as a VCR does.
Can`t speak for any other models though, as I only have an E50 :D

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 01:01

Do you mean the DVD recorder adds its own output to the RF loop, or does it just pass it through (i.e. can you assign a TV channel ro the RF output of the DVD recorder)? I`ve never come across a DVD that does yet and I`d looked at the Panasonic a while ago and that wasn`t mentioned in the features, just an RF in/out loopthrough.

RE: Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 08:54

Do you mean the DVD recorder adds its own output to the RF loop

The Panny (well mine does anyway) gives an RF signal exactly the same as a vcr, therefore if I wanna watch a DVD via RF, I can (gawd knows why I`d want to, but someone in the situation that has no scart would).

I never call an RF loop through an RF output....and all I`m gonna say to that is "Goddamned freeview boxes!!!! Grrrrr"

I`ve lost count of "but it`s got an aerial socket it must work on the aerial...I don`t have a scart...."
"No, thats a pass through to save you splitting or disconnecting and reconnecting your aerial all the time"
"So how do I get it to work then"

and you know the rest from there :D

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

Esmonde (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 09:49

Thanks to all who replied.

Good to know that at least one DVD Recorder has RF-Out of all inputs. I took it for granted that the Mico would have the same. The Panasonic will be on my shopping list next time.

Incidentally can anyone defnitively state that the Mico R311 does NOT output all signals on the RF-Out? I have to check everything including the possibility that I have a duff machine or faulty cabling in some way.

I did ask Mico`s support line, but although they were friendly and helpful, I wasn`t impressed by the level of detailed knowledge.

Surely Mico must have considered users who might have bought the machine but who were stuck with a TV with RF-In only?


RE: Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

Jiggy (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 10:46

I don`t know if this would be of any help but I`ve converted a scart connection to RF for a TV without a scart socket using a modulator from Maplins. You plug in the component and then it gives you an rf signal. Perhaps if the Mico has 2 scart outputs then you could output one of those to RF...... not sure if it would work because it would depend on your setup but thought it might be of some use! :D

RE: Can someone solve Mico DVD Recorder drawback?

Esmonde (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st October 2004, 11:54

Thanks a lot Jiggy.

Might give that one a try.

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