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Hardware Forum

Mico r311 clock problems!

showman35 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th October 2004, 10:29

Anyone out there know why my recorder clock seems to be running in seconds,IE : when I`ve set the time the time displayed seems to be movin in seconds. I`ve reset to default settings but still doing it. any Ideas?

RE: Mico r311 clock problems!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th October 2004, 12:56

Power cycle it.

Turn off leave for a while then turn back on.

There are 10 types of people in the world - Those who understand binary and those who don`t.

RE: Mico r311 clock problems!

showman35 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th October 2004, 16:37

Dear Rassilon

How long do I leave it off for? if that dosent sound completely stupid?

RE: Mico r311 clock problems!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th October 2004, 17:22

30 secs - 30 mins, it sometimes works wonders in clearing any corrupted memory settings & strange behaviours in HP LJ printers, DVD recorders & PC`s in my experience.

There are 10 types of people in the world - Those who understand binary and those who don`t.

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