Page 1 of Mico 311i Blocked Message

Hardware Forum

Mico 311i Blocked Message

Doilbert (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 22:12

Hi All.

I switched my Mico311i on this morning to do a bit of recording from my Sky+ only to be greeted with the following message on the front panel "BLOCKED"

I was unable to do anything with the unit, eventually resorting to pulling the plug, which appears to have resolved the problem, been alright so far .

Anyone have any idea what caused this is there a setting I could have altered,

Any info would be appreciated. :/



RE: Mico 311i Blocked Message

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th December 2004, 11:05

I had a similar problem once where the machine thought it had a timed recording to fulfil (it didnt), reset back to defaults & then by playing with the menu settings, found the option that created the "error" in the first place.

If in doubt reset.

My Christmas Message "First they tell me the peace is on, then it`s peace off!"

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