Page 1 of Does anyone know anything about Dolby Digital amps?

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Does anyone know anything about Dolby Digital amps?

timbleuk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th May 2001, 21:25

I`ve just got a dolby digital amp and it has Viveo Switching on it. I think I`ve figured it out and everything is know running through the amp, except SKY. Is there anyway you can convert the scart socket on the sky box into S-Vhs on the amp or am I just dreaming. Please help.


RE: Does anyone know anything about Dolby Digital amps?

Giz (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th May 2001, 17:00

You can buy SCART to S-Video cables but you can`t get the a Sky box to output in S-Video as far as I know. I *think* you can get RBG to S-Video converter but I`ve know idea how much they are.

RE: Does anyone know anything about Dolby Digital amps?

timbleuk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th May 2001, 20:32

Cheers for that, I`ll look into it!

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