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Sony DAV-S300 Multi Region?

El Peachio (Competent) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 15:06

I have recently purchased a Sony DAV-S300 system. On the back of it is a large yellow sticker stating "MULTI REGION". Does this mean that I can play different region disks (I am currently region 2) or am I just wishfully thinking.


RE: Sony DAV-S300 Multi Region?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 15:47

I have a large red stamp marked "Insane" on my forehead but it doesn`t stop me from walking the streets on Thursdays.


Where`d you buy it from? Did you ask for multi-region when you bought it?

Sony`s aren`t automatically multi-region, they have to be modified. The only way you can be sure is to buy/lend/steal a R1 disc and a R1 RCE disc. That way you will know if you have a mod and how good it is.

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Multi Region?

El Peachio (Competent) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 16:02

I got it from a small hi street retailer in Hampshire UK.

I didn`t specifically ask for multi-region, but I heard somewhere that some retailers do modify their players before selling them.

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Multi Region?

Zimmy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th July 2001, 11:05

Chris: I also just purchased this system. They do claim that it is multi-regional, but it will take me some time to prove it. Have you tested yours yet? Is this the one with the one big sub-woofer and 5 tiny little speakers that you`re supposed to spread around the room? How is the sound? How is the quality of DVDs and VCDs when played? Plain music CDs? How big of a space do you have it in? My space is about 6 meters by 5 meters, but it opens up into the kitchen and a bathroom too, so it may be just a bit weak on power for that space. How does your system perform in your space? Have you tried cranking it up when many folks are over and dancing and stuff? Thanks for the thoughts! Zimmy

RE: Sony DAV-S300 Multi Region?

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th July 2001, 16:26


Don`t all mods play RCE disks? In particular I`d like to know if a multi-region DAV-S300 will. If anyone has any idea let me know.


RE: Sony DAV-S300 Multi Region?

Slartibartfast II (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th July 2001, 17:22


My DAV S300 plays all regions including RCE discs no problem.


RE: Sony DAV-S300 Multi Region?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th July 2001, 12:37


My Sony mod does not - though it is almost 2 years old.

You need to be careful which mod you buy. There is no guarantee that future RCE style coding will be defeated by current mods.


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