Info and forum posts by 'Slartibartfast II'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 13th July 2001, 17:19, Last used: Friday, 13th July 2001, 17:19

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: MiCo no macrovision disable.... What now ??

If anyone is in the South London area and is on the hunt for a Mico, they had stacks of them on display last night at the Savacentre in Colliers Wood.


RE: Sony DAVS300 Multi-Region (Dolby Digital DVD speaker Package) Any good?


I have a davs300 and the sound is incredible, in a room the size you mention I can assure you that it is perfect. Yes it does handle RCE, and I am more than pleased with it`s performance. I read alot of comments from people before I bought it, and alot were saying how they thought the sound was too quiet, but in my opinion they must have either been deaf gits or lived in an aircraft hanger. The only downside for some might be that you can`t play CDR`s on it (though some people on this list claim that certain brands do) but that`s no problem for me. Buy and enjoy - I certainly have.

RE: Has anyone worked on a movie or been an extra?

While I was at school my class was asked to be extras for a parents evening scene being filmed at my school. For a grand fee of £5 i was presented to my surrogate mother with whom I sat down and chatted to while a short scene was filmed. The film - The Omen. Needless to say at the age of 12 I couldn`t go and see it at the time, which was just as well because the scene was cut. Hmmmmmmmm now with DVD extras maybe there is a chance of seeing my first acting (!!?) debut one day.

RE: sony dav 300 will it play cdr`s..??

It may not have a scart but it does have an s video socket, so I use an s video to scart lead which gives a superb picture.

RE: Do NOT buy from

So what you`re saying is you don`t mind that a company advertising on your website has such an appalling record of selling duff merchandise and only looking into customers complaints after it is mentioned in public forums etc. As long as they give you money to keep your site running you`re ok with that. Nice, thank you Scam for giving me the forum to say that. ;)

RE: Do NOT buy from


You ask why this site advertises Scam - as I am typing this there is a flashing ad at the bottom of this screen advertising the scam sc2000 and underneath in little red typeface it says `support dvd reviewer, visit our partners`. There you go - the only reason dvd reviewer advertise scam so heavily is that it is in partnership with scam. Nice to know that this trustworthy site is connected to such a s***e company isn`t it!


Sounds like your tv cannot play NTSC, had this problem with my sony 32FX60 and found that I had to change a setting in the service menu. Try the forum on , you may have some luck there.


RE: Faulty Dvd Players Wanted

Why don`t you contact Scan - they must have a warehouse full of them! Opps I forgot, they just send them straight out to the next sucker who buys one!

RE: Sony tv problem


Just send me a beer in the email!

RE: Sony tv problem


Try the forum at , you may find some info there.


RE: Sony DAVS 300 region code

Sorry Shock, but you`ll have to get it chipped. No hacking for this player.

RE: I`m famous - well sort of...

I appeared as an extra in the Omen at a parents day school scene filmed at my school. I say appeared very loosely as the scene ended up on the cutting room floor. Still at 14 yrs old £5 was pretty good for 45 minutes work sitting with my newly adopted parents!

RE: Reviews on the DAV-S500...

There is also a DAV-S700 coming out which is basically a 5 disc version.


RE: Sony DAV-S300 Multi Region?


My DAV S300 plays all regions including RCE discs no problem.
