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Poor quality image transfer?

Phil Russell (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 9th July 2005, 08:22

I am transferring a few videos to DVd using my Panasonic DMR E55 EB machine. I normally did this via the TV and it is good. Just for fun I tried using a lead having a scart plug (switchable and switched to `out`) connected to the video player and a video S plug and audio L/R plugs into the AV3 front sockets on the DVD. The picture quality was awful ... grainy, lack of colour, sometimes no colour.
I then reverted to the good old scart to scart lead and it was even better than via the TV.

Any comments on the scart to video S and audio plugs system?

Also, we are noticing definite quality differences between different DVD-R discs. Tesco seem to be particularly low quality.

Cheers, Phil

RE: Poor quality image transfer?

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 13th July 2005, 12:10


unless your video player is specifically geared up for s-video (s-vhs) then you
won`t get a particularily good picture from it (as you have noticed). the best
picture obtainable from vhs is composite as vhs players do not ouptut a RGB

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