Page 1 of Reviews on the DAV-S500...

Hardware Forum

Reviews on the DAV-S500...

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th July 2001, 16:24

Has anyone heard or read any reviews on the DAV-S500??? are saying it will be out in August but don`t have a picture or any details.

They do however have a price for it...a cool £99,999.00!!!

This has got to be an error as not even Sony could justify a price like that.


RE: Reviews on the DAV-S500...

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th July 2001, 20:36


Yep, must have missed out the 0.99p :-)


RE: Reviews on the DAV-S500...

Kelly Stewart (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 14th July 2001, 23:06

Hey Ross, as far as i know there are no reviews just yet!! But it has a retail price tag of £600, it comes out mid August. If you visit you will find some info there!

RE: Reviews on the DAV-S500...

Slartibartfast II (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 17th July 2001, 13:30

There is also a DAV-S700 coming out which is basically a 5 disc version.


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