Page 1 of Website like "DVD Reviewer" for Stereos!?

Hardware Forum

Website like "DVD Reviewer" for Stereos!?

Zimmy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 2nd August 2001, 06:21

I have the Sony DVA S300 and think its great for movies. However, for music it is less than great. I want to be able to get the same kind of advice for buying stereos that I`ve seen on this website for DVD players. What websites do you recommend? Alternatively, what stereo systems do you recommend? My budget will be about US$600 and the space is about 6 meters by 5 meters and 3.5 meters high. Ideally, I`d like a 3 disc changer. Thanks!

RE: Website like

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd August 2001, 17:35

In the UK we have and

In the States there are also the excellent consumer review sites such as and

Hope this keeps you busy, Zimmy !

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