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Help with connections needed.

rob445 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 13th May 2006, 11:00

If someone wouldn`t mind helping out with a problem I`d be greatful.
I`ve just got a HDready LCD telly but have a question about the connections.
I`ve connected up my xbox360 to the componant connectors, this works fine, cracking picture, however I`ve got various other bits and pieces that only connect via scart, so they have used up my scart sockets. This means my DVD player is going to have to be connected via either the composite connections or by s-video, which one of these two is preferable or should I re-work the whole setup to free up a scart socket?

As I said any help would be great.


RE: Help with connections needed.

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 13th May 2006, 13:11

Go for a scart selector, but make sure it`s one fully wired for RGB. There`s plenty to choose from, but I use this.

S-Video is superior to composite, but both are inferior to component/RGB scart.

President Ronnie has been kidnapped by the ninjas! Are you a bad enough dude to rescue President Ronnie?

This item was edited on Saturday, 13th May 2006, 14:12

RE: Help with connections needed.

MikeElliot (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 14th May 2006, 18:32

If it is RGB SCART then that will give the best signal because DVD signals are stored digitally in colourstream form. If your TV and DVD do not have RGB SCART then the next best is SVideo. It has many advantages of Component but the separated signals are recombined. Composite as used in phono and SCART sockets (without RGB separation) are very low quality as the Luma and Chroma signals are sent along the same wire rather than as separate signals.

It is more than likely that SVideo will produce the highest quality picture on your setup.

RE: Help with connections needed.

rob445 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th May 2006, 18:44

Thanks for the advice, I`ll try s-video and see what happens.


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