Page 1 of problems with VCD sound on samsung SV-DVD1E

Hardware Forum

problems with VCD sound on samsung SV-DVD1E

minigolf (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 27th September 2001, 09:31

I have been having problems with the sound on VCDs I authore myself,
there is a clicking noise every 10 seconds. I capture the video with virtual dub as divx using the version 4.01 codec, then i use tmpeg to convert it into mpeg, i use the VCD template in tmpeg , if i use the SeVCD template it works fine on my pc but if i play it in my samsung the picture breaks up .The VCDS i make using the SeVCD template works fine on a Lasonic DVD player but not on my samsung. If i use the VCD pal template the picture is fine just problems with the sound.
I use nero to burn the VCDs and have tried several brands of CDR
Any ideas anyone

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