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Program is copy protected????????

B.M.F (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st August 2006, 12:25


I have a Daewoo DR2100P DVD recorder, I have my sky connected to it with a scart lead and I have been recording programs off various Sky channels for a few months now.
For some reason now when I try to record off Sky it just says cannot record program is copy protected. I can record off TV and as far as I know nothing has changed, so why all of a sudden I cannot record of Sky I dont know (its not the movies I cant record its just normal stuff like Sky 1 etc...)

Any ideas

Thanks in advance

RE: Program is copy protected????????

Harry_Potter (Competent) posted this on Monday, 21st August 2006, 13:22

If it is what I think it is ... when you try to back up a video/dvd to a video/dvd you encounter what it called macrovision.

A macrovision scart cable or box may clear up the problem. Type it in to a google search engine, and when you find it, contact the company and discuss issue with them.

Chris :D

RE: Program is copy protected????????

fcmcd (Competent) posted this on Monday, 21st August 2006, 15:06

RE: Program is copy protected????????

B.M.F (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st August 2006, 16:01

Thanks for replying people, but............

Why should this work for months and now just stop for some reason, all with the same scart lead??

Have Sky changed something? I wouldnt think so as we would have heard a lot more about it by now.

RE: Program is copy protected????????

fcmcd (Competent) posted this on Monday, 21st August 2006, 16:11

to the best of my knowledge sky and telewest and ntl all have the option to copy protect what they like and when they like without telling you. when i contacted telewest the person i spoke to said they had never heard of copy protection .in your case the copy protection may have been turned off and has now been turned on . this is my best guess, have you changed any other equipment or upgraded to any other sky packages. my daughter who had sky some time ago could hardly tape anything as most of her channels seemed to be copy protected.

RE: Program is copy protected????????

nostalgiadvd (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st August 2006, 20:31

The only channels that use Macrovision are Sky Box Office.
The Sonel lead will cure that.
But all the standard channels don`t use Macro normally.
I had this problem 2.5 years ago,and have seen threads on other sites with similar.
My problem was down to a viewing card/account fault.
But a new card did not cure it,it was actually down to Sky HQ in Scotland adding something to the account.
My wife had to open an account to start it again and all was fine.
Best way to check is to borrow another card.
Although a friends card won`t be linked to your box you will find that only premium movies and sport won`t unlock,so you will be able to test Sky 1 etc for recording.
If using another card works ok you will have all the info needed to contact Sky.
If you contact them without any extra info they will blame your leads or recorder------in fact,anything bar their own stuff

This item was edited on Monday, 21st August 2006, 21:32

RE: Program is copy protected????????

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd August 2006, 08:25

I don`t know much about Daewoo recorders, but wonder if you had updated the firmware at all (if it is even possible?)

It`s just that over on the Liteon forum we have noticed that some firmware revisions have prevented recording from Sky while others have allowed all unprotected channels to copy. It has caused quite a headache.

At least with a Liteon you can hack the firmware to remove macrovision.

If it was a firmware revision that has stuffed things up, revert to the earlier version, if you still have it. Otherwise you will probably have to invest in the sonel macro scart lead, which will disable all macrovision.

RE: Program is copy protected????????

B.M.F (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd August 2006, 12:53

Thanks for all the ideas folks

I will be trying the card swop idea tonight and that should give me some way forward.
An update to my querie is...........

By using the same scart lead I plug it into my video recorder and everything tapes fine, I put it back into the DVD recorder and it wont record, back into the video and it records again.

Anyway will report as to the changing of the cards


RE: Program is copy protected????????

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd August 2006, 20:18

Video recorders usually only suffer from mild contrast-pulsing if they`re affected by the Macrovision spoiler signal. DVD recorders are a lot more sensitive and if they so much as catch a scent of something that vaguely resembles a copy protection signal, they`ll shut down and sulk until the signal goes away.

J Mark Oates

Of the modern filmmaking techniques/cliches,
I find my intelligence insulted far more
by martial arts wire work stunts than
any amount of CGI.

RE: Program is copy protected????????

nostalgiadvd (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd August 2006, 20:20

If VHS records without a problem using the same lead then there`s not Macro coming down the lead.
A card swap probably won`t make any difference.
It sounds like a fault unique to your recorder-----firmware update needed .Contact the manufacturer as you may well not be alone with this fault

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